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Recent content by Agent 007

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  1. Agent 007


    Hello Firesign, You may be interested in the Dutch website BBW World: http://bbwparty.nl/groupware/ Apparently there'll be a BBW party tomorrow, but that will probably be too early for you. Keep an eye on the website for future events. Cheers, Agent 007
  2. Agent 007

    What are the advantages of being fat

    It may save your life: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Love-Handles-Saved-My-Life-Woman-Shot-AC-Bar-85033232.html
  3. Agent 007

    An Ode To FAs Everywhere...

    Excellent work. Thanks for posting it again.
  4. Agent 007

    If you're a wine drinking BBW/BHM/FA...

    And for those among you who are more into beer, consider Hertog Jan beer. That brand has this lovely lady on its bottle caps.
  5. Agent 007

    Happy Easter

    Vrolijk Pasen, allemaal! Hallelujah, for the Lord omnipotent reigneth!
  6. Agent 007

    hi from italy

    Buongiorno signorina. Come sta?
  7. Agent 007

    Famous FAs?

    That was the Invisible Pink Unicorn (blessed be her holy hooves)! She has appeared to you in a vision.
  8. Agent 007

    Famous FAs?

    By coincidence I came across another possible FA, although the 'evidence' is vague: Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands since October 2010. On June 2, one week before the Dutch elections, Rutte appeared on the TV show De Wereld Draait Door. To provide some background info about Rutte...
  9. Agent 007

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    She's into horror.
  10. Agent 007

    French veil ban goes into effect

    This has nothing to do with the EU. The court ruling you refer to was taken by the European Court of Human Rights, a non-EU institution. This Court is an institution of the Council of Europe, an intergovernmental group with 47 member states including all European countries except Belarus. All of...
  11. Agent 007

    Quran burning and deaths in Afghanistan

    Looks like Terry Jones isn't the only person who wants to burn the Quran.
  12. Agent 007

    Thread For POSITIVE Stories About American Culture

    This contribution doesn't fall under 'culture', but I thought I'd post it anyway: I admire this American, because he was in charge of the armed forces that liberated my country (and indeed much of Europe) from the most genocidal regime in history.
  13. Agent 007

    Thread For POSITIVE Stories About American Culture

    From an other Hyde Park thread:
  14. Agent 007

    Happy birthday, AmazingAmy!

    Have a nice birthday, Amy.
  15. Agent 007

    hi everyone..question about Fedding?

    U want 2 see bigg puzzee? Hear u go!