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Recent content by Alicatt

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. Alicatt

    Attn: Facebookers!

    Agree! I love that you can put up a big photo on the top. :)
  2. Alicatt

    2012 Singles Thread

    Checking in again. http://justalicatt.tumblr.com http://facebook.com/alicatt
  3. Alicatt

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Goofy faces are best.
  4. Alicatt

    Tumblr who has it and stuff

    http://justalicatt.tumblr.com/ I'm overjoyed at how free of censorship tumblr is....makes facebook look kinda poopy in comparison.
  5. Alicatt

    I Am Struggling With Depression

    I've had chronic depression the majority of my life, only diagnosed last spring. I take a little pill everyday, and outside of the unavoidable times when the depression pokes it's ugly little head up through what the pill is able to "fix"...I feel great. There are a few things I've found...
  6. Alicatt

    What are you waiting for?!

    Agreed! :3
  7. Alicatt


    Simon Woods
  8. Alicatt

    Would you be willing to relocate?

    I would relocate but only for a serious commitment and after several visits have been made here to me first. I had a very bad experience with relocating for a long distance romance, and I won't be looking to do that again anytime in the near future...or ever for that matter. It's hard to want...
  9. Alicatt

    I just wanted to say...

    Does anyone remember this role? lol...I don't think it was a very popular movie. I was 12 the year it came out...makes sense as to why I thought it was the most awesome movie ever at the time lol
  10. Alicatt

    I just wanted to say...

    definitely one of my favorite actors...he's amazing!
  11. Alicatt

    2012 Singles Thread

    Single here. I was ok with it for a long while, here lately not so much. Partly the biological clock ticking loudly in my ears...mostly not liking the emptiness of loneliness. Here's to finding love in 2012!
  12. Alicatt

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: Ali Age: 26 Location: West Tennessee, USA Profession: Student Music: A little bit of everything Likes: Music, Art, Video Games, technology and computers, good food, good people, Jagermeister Dislikes: haters, liars, spiders About me: I'm here looking to make some friends and find...