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  1. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    Chapter XVIII It was strange how little Sally could feel or remember of the next two hours, but the memorized words and motions seemed to play out automatically whenever she was onstage, and whenever she was off she was waiting to go on again and couldn’t stop to think in case she missed a cue...
  2. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    Is all our company here? For all Sally’s comments about opening night, this was only the dress rehearsal. In the black-box student theatre, the set was still going up, but the people in paint-spattered clothing seemed unhurried and unfazed as they made last-minute touchups. Someone’s phone...
  3. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    Chapter XVI “If I’ve a solid core it’s awfully well-buried.” Sally turned about in time to see a wistful and embarrassed expression cross Donald’s broad, soft face. I actually prefer... I hope that isn’t too weird.... The appeal is in the combined impression of softness and strength ...at...
  4. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    Chapter XV but, O, methinks, how slow This old moon wanes! Hallowe’en proper came and went. Donald and most of the other students in his residence celebrated “Discount Chocolate Day” on November second; he sent Sally photos of the jenga tower they’d built out of fun-size candy bars. The...
  5. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    That Befall Preposterously, Chapter XIV There were always rehearsals on Saturdays. People were using the crosswalk, Sally noticed, without comment, and as though it had always been there. The drivers were observing it too. No one commented either when she and Donald walked into rehearsal...
  6. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    Chapter XIII After kissing on the steps for a while, Sally and Donald had moved to enter the university residence; and hearing the lobby elevator doors opening, had then ducked into the nook by the mailboxes in order to kiss some more. This manoeuvre, however, had restored the problem of their...
  7. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    Chapter XII ( I’m in need of some escapism nowadays, so I’m going to try and take the story up again.) Turn melancholy forth to funerals; The pale companion is not for our pomp. “Feeling better?” Donald asked, after washing down his second piece of pie with a swig of coffee. “The only...
  8. bayone

    Fictional BHMs

    Update — Apparently operatic tenor Leo “What time’s the next swan?” Slezak started making appearances in movies after retiring from the stage and there are a number of clips of him on YouTube: But I think his son Walter may have been cuter, especially when playing a chef: Unfortunately the...
  9. bayone

    Fictional BHMs

    Saw The Blue Angel years ago, but could never get into Jannings for some reason. That’s the hard thing about watching German films of this period — any actor you like, you can be pretty sure that if you look them up the best-case scenario is “fled the country shortly thereafter.” :( Here’s...
  10. bayone

    Fictional BHMs

    Lately I’ve been obsessing over Chief Inspector Lohmann (M, Testament of Dr. Mabuse): https://player.vimeo.com/video/98844327
  11. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    I’ve been writing some fanfic under my main online handle of moon_custafer, but it doesn’t really have any FFA content, except maybe this one if you squint (and it helps if you picture the characters as played by Rutland Barrington and Jesse Bond)...
  12. bayone

    BHM That Befall Preposterously (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance, ~~WG, multi-part)

    Thanks. I’m sorry life has rather got in the way of finishing this one. If it’s any consolation, someone on AO3 is writing a delightful Regency romance (as in, the Prince Regent is the male lead, and the radically Whig heroine is attracted to him despite herself): Character & Caricature...
  13. bayone

    What 'derp' / 'doh' moment did you have today?

    At work, I was sent a corrected version of a photo of a product, and somehow managed to repost the old photo into the layout I was working on, without noticing.
  14. bayone

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I was lucky. My route was relatively unaffected, though the vehicles were more crowded than usual.
  15. bayone

    What are you unhappy about today?

    C'mon people, let's all strategically align our synergies and grab that low-hanging fruit!