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Recent content by BeakerFA

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  1. BeakerFA

    Why slim people hate fat ones

    Just wait until they have true governmental support, presumably on the grounds of "public health", to enforce their societal purification agenda. I suggest bumper stickers that read "You can have my fat after you pry it from my cold, dead body".
  2. BeakerFA

    For those who are real time Feeders/Feedees

    People around here also don't like being cut off at the knees for honestly discussing their preferences in a public forum. The real discussions have to take place behind the curtains.
  3. BeakerFA

    Did you hear the news? Obesity is contagious!

    Well, that's it.. Starting next week, I'm befriending as many scrawny folk as possible. Who knows.. One of my best friends, a one-time anorexic, has gained over 100 pounds since my g/f and I first met her six years ago. At least I'll enjoy myself until they lock me up in a camp of some kind.
  4. BeakerFA

    Ricki Lake

    -- but what what I'll hold against her are years of "Fat is Beautiful", psudo-size positive BS. Her and Carnie Wilson. This culture has a great support system in place for the self-loathing.
  5. BeakerFA

    Did you go to Fat Camp when you were a kid?

    My folks saved cash by browbeating and insulting me at home. At least fat camp only lasts a summer. Ugh..
  6. BeakerFA

    I Found Kelligrrl!!

    Even if it isn't kosher, as the total absence of new pix would suggest, it still serves as a very nice tribute to Kelli.. and her Friends space is quite a handy who's-who of MySpace BBWs and SSBBWs.
  7. BeakerFA

    Is this BeakerFA's work?

    I take less issue with this than I did with the guy who was printing my work out, tracing it, and posting the results as his own original creations on DeviantART last year. These collages are largely transparent to anyone at all familiar with FA art (FArt?? eew!) and certainly not a threat. In...
  8. BeakerFA

    Is this BeakerFA's work?

    I've long wondered where the hell that graphic came from. I like to think there's a story in some forgotten mid-70's Charlton horror comic that it was a splash panel for.
  9. BeakerFA

    Is this BeakerFA's work?

    This brings back pleasant memories of my senior year portfolio peer reviews! And, yes, you have me pegged there.. I do hate clutter in compositions. I much prefer strong, direct layouts, especially when dealing with human forms. Mr. Wonka's off-kilter collage work just screams "outsider art"...
  10. BeakerFA

    Is this BeakerFA's work?

    I recognize some of StudioFA's stuff in that them thar collage as well as my own.. Has kind of a twisted Henry Darger-esque, fever dream quality to it. Hell.. it may even quality as genuine "outsider art". But, no, that guy is most definitely not me. My girlfriend would be sure to tell me if...
  11. BeakerFA

    Lights Out! The Day Sinatra Got Fat Radio Play Link

    I was considering posting this myself a month or so ago when I came across it in a collection of Arch Oboler's Lights Out episodes. The actors' attempts at "acting fat" are pretty interesting. It's odd that no one has yet fully exploited the concept of audio WG stories around here.
  12. BeakerFA

    Feederism (?) in Mary Worth!!

    Why, Mary! You catty old hag! Lou doesn't want his wife to slim down? A MAN who DOES NOT WANT his WIFE to be SLIM?? That's CRAZY talk! I'm sure that can't be it. Nope. No way. Nuh-uh.
  13. BeakerFA

    Feederism (?) in Mary Worth!!

    I wouldn't have known about this if it weren't for the invaluable Comics Curmudgeon who reads the funnies so I don't have to. It seems that the moribund and utterly unreadable soaper strip Mary Worth has kicked off a little tale about a "fat" woman who must improve herself (diet) for fear of...
  14. BeakerFA

    Gainer/feedee blogs

    Bingo. And what's well and truly sad is that those Well-Meaning Folk Who Want Nothing but The Best For You are using this patently phony blog to beat others over the head re: their preferences. Then again, it's also possible that the bloggers being beaten over the head with it are also...
  15. BeakerFA

    BeakerFA Pics

    As do I. I'm glad that fat bodies and fat faces tend to come as a set.