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Recent content by BigBluesMo

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  1. BigBluesMo

    Any Other BHM's trying to lose weight?

    Thanks Angel for the info I'll keep you posted on how it goes. "Some folk built like this, some folk built like that But the way I'm built, you shouldn't call me fat Because I'm built for comfort, I ain't built for speed" - Howling Wolf & Wilie Dixon
  2. BigBluesMo

    Any Other BHM's trying to lose weight?

    Anyone here have any info Pro/Con on using Sensa for Men? Need to get the last tough 60 off so the Doc will replace the ol' hip so I can get back to a normal life. All the research I've done sounds good in the sense of not a "fad" short term fix but something to help in the long run. Thanks...
  3. BigBluesMo

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    curry - surry
  4. BigBluesMo

    Jung and Myers-Briggs Personality Test

    ENFJ Extravert(33%) iNtuitive(75%) Feeling(38%) Judging(1%) Yep 5 days in a row and 5 days the same answer. So guess I won't be having a career change anytime soon LOL
  5. BigBluesMo

    What are you happy about today?

    Someone very dear who I had written off of never hearing from again years ago contacted me last night.
  6. BigBluesMo

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Willie's Blues - Willie Dixon w/Memphis Slim
  7. BigBluesMo

    LADIES post an awesome photo of yourselves!

    Proof that feelin' blue is not always a bad thing! Beautiful
  8. BigBluesMo

    What Are You Watching Right Now?

    The Following (DVR'd from last night)
  9. BigBluesMo

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Tell me how you really feel! "Some folk built like this, some folk built like that But the way I'm built, you shouldn't call me fat Because I'm built for comfort, I ain't built for speed" - Howling Wolf & Willie Dixon
  10. BigBluesMo

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    Q: Do you stress shop? I am so guilty of that! A: Yes but it goes hand in hand with stress eating, stress shopping at the grocery store. Q: Perfect vacation getaway? "Some folk built like this, some folk built like that But the way I'm built, you shouldn't call me fat Because I'm built for...
  11. BigBluesMo

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    Thanks Angel!!
  12. BigBluesMo

    Tattoo thread

    That is an awesome back piece you have and yes I can see where it would hurt like hell. The art I have on my chest was one of those "mixed" experiences, the closer the needle got to my sternum the whiter my knuckles got LOL but then inking on the meater part of my pec and above the nipple area...
  13. BigBluesMo

    What are you happy about today?

    Happy I found these forums and a really cool community! "Some folk built like this, some folk built like that But the way I'm built, you shouldn't call me fat Because I'm built for comfort, I ain't built for speed" - Howling Wolf & Willie Dixon
  14. BigBluesMo

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Nothing unhappy except that I posted my "Happy" piece here by accident DOH!!:eek::eek::eek:
  15. BigBluesMo

    Tattoo thread

    Hi Sophie you have all the concerns everyone has for a first tattoo. It all depends on where you get the tattoo and how detail and large it is. When getting a tattoo you'll find that there will may be a few "painful" spots but it's not constant. The upside is there will generally be more of...