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Recent content by BurningMyWingsAway

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. BurningMyWingsAway

    Need a plus size wedding dress, where??

    Help girls!! I need some serious advice.. I need a good site to find a wedding dress around size 30. :) Everyone I find seems to be really expensive or is really just not made for fat people (you know how they take small sizes and jack them up). Any ideas on some sites with dresses around my...
  2. BurningMyWingsAway

    Worlds Heavest Man Belt..:)

    The belt of the worlds heaviest man. I have a few more pounds to go I think..:) What about yall? lol
  3. BurningMyWingsAway

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    I can't possibly compete with all the beautiful ladies here, but heres some of my favs..;)
  4. BurningMyWingsAway

    Pictures of me...a BHM

    Mmmhmmm.. Id hit that..;) Just kidding.. Hehe.. Your a total cutie. Just my type and then some.. Love the smile.. :D I dont know about falling out.. but it sure is hot in here.. whew.. *fans self*
  5. BurningMyWingsAway

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 1

    I've been old school lately, some good Sega genesis, and Sega genesis oriented games on the Wii.. God I love the download feature.. Old school Zelda, Sonic, Golden Axe.. Mmmmhmmm
  6. BurningMyWingsAway

    Anyone from good ol' South Carolina?

    Deep South? :D Alright little nicky.. im from Bama.. thats deeeeeeper south than you.. It gets real unedumacated down har! lol
  7. BurningMyWingsAway

    Recent Picture of You......Part IX ;)

    I am such a pirate.. lol Me and Missblueyedeath, being silly.. We love dave matthews..:P Us again..
  8. BurningMyWingsAway

    big girls you are beautiful!

    Ive loved Mika for a long time. He is so great.. He channels Freddy Mercury who for sure was a big girl lova..:) Although gay..
  9. BurningMyWingsAway

    revealing preference when asking for a date?

    Okay, so since you a bit unsure exactly HOW comfortable she is in her body.. I wouldnt mention it. You dont want her to think thats the only reason you want to date her.. Instead of saying you are an FA, try just telling her how beautiful she is. Thats what I would like to hear. :) Remind her of...
  10. BurningMyWingsAway

    CD's You Would Rate a 10 out of 10?

    I fell in love with the album Stripped by Gavin Degraw. I consider myself to be fairly musically inclined, and was not apt to be a fan of the likes of Gavin, much less after hearing his poppy Oh Chariot album, But let me tell you!!! Holy friggin crap.. It is bascially an album of him and a...
  11. BurningMyWingsAway

    Pet names for your BBW? TRUE Fat Acceptance?

    I think pet names rock. My friends are I all have them for each other. They make us feel more real, not degraded. Its cute..:) Fatty, Fatty McFatterson, Cow, Ephelant (baby tone of elephant), Sea Cow (in the pool) .... always worked for us..:)
  12. BurningMyWingsAway

    The show your face/introduction thread

    LOL.. im the same way, new things are great except when they involve maiming yourself.. then it is definitly time to move on..:)
  13. BurningMyWingsAway

    cozy fatty sleeping positions

    Maybe thats a risk I would take fatty.. lol.. You are a freggin heater.. A furnace is more like it.. The room and car and everything steams up when you get near.. And lets not even discuss the night I sprayed the mandarin orange bath and body works spray.. lmao
  14. BurningMyWingsAway

    Can I have your advice, please?

    Your right..:) Coming from a cardiac nurse.. Walking increasing your stamina, energy and is basically just exercise for your heart. It releases adrenaline and endorphins that pump up your mood and challenge your hormones. Its very important and you need it to keep your heart strong..:) Go you!
  15. BurningMyWingsAway

    cozy fatty sleeping positions

    My husband and I are recently divorced but when we were together we always slept the same way.. we are both big.. I would sleep on my stomach with my right leg pulled up slightly, and he would sleep beside me on the left with his arm draped over my back. I always felt warm and safe..:)...