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  1. Charisa

    Female Authors

    There's me. I've got two novella-length stories where the women's gains are the main focus: Gaining Confidence (which is a multiparter) and "The Metamorphosis". I don't know if the last one is up here, but it's on my website: www.charisatellsstories.blogspot.com .
  2. Charisa

    Drip....Drip.... Drip Feed

    I always write the whole thing before I post it (or send it in, in the old days) and then spend some considerable time polishing and refining. Probably because I'm a perfectionist. I want the story to be as good as it can possibly be! I couldn't write in instalments because oftentimes where the...
  3. Charisa

    I want to ask ALL the writers here...

    I do a lot of research as regards the bodies of gaining characters, particularly because apart from myself (and I was 180 pounds when I started writing fic) I have not seen many BBWs unclothed IRL. For obvious reasons. So I'll try to find a few photos of people at the requisite weight (or...
  4. Charisa

    Jack's Inspiration - by Charisa (BHM, WG)

    Oh, thanks! I was always grateful for your comments and am glad to know you still like the stories... I read your message about your gains -- wow! Pretty impressive...
  5. Charisa

    Jack's Inspiration - by Charisa (BHM, WG)

    Thanks for all the sweet comments! I just logged on to see if my stories were still here... there is NO WAY I expected all that. Didn't even know if anyone would still remember me. Sorry to drop out of sight... I can't believe it's been two years. In that time I've moved about 100 miles...
  6. Charisa

    Assistance Needed: An Appropriate WG Story

    There's my first story, "Gaining Confidence", although the couple are not married. It's long, I warn you. But it has the restaurant, the monogamy, lots of description, a gradual gain and a realistic setting. I can remember a story which I think was called "The Koi Pond", which as I recall...
  7. Charisa

    Would you classify me as...?

    Chubby, yes, although creeping up on "downright fat" (you look fatter in your avatar, I think.) I can sympathize with the slow going, it's taken me three years to get past 200.
  8. Charisa

    New to the boards, hi everyone

    Yes, great pics... that shirt looks great on you but it doesn't look like your poor belly has much room to breathe! Welcome to the boards.
  9. Charisa

    All Ssbhm's

    Now that's an impressive swag you have there. Thanks for posting!
  10. Charisa

    Posting all over the boards!

    I'll say:eat2: . You know what you are? A classic.
  11. Charisa

    A foodee's belly

    Definitely looks like food is more effective :) Interestingly, it doesn't look like there's any sag to that belly - it's gravity-defying!
  12. Charisa

    Beer belly?

    Yeah, there are otherwise skinny guys that have a small hard beer belly - yours looks much more inviting, soft and chubby and yes, you are getting a very handsome beginning overhang. Looks more like a foodbaby than a beer belly :D . But if the beer is helping your personal growth, by all means...
  13. Charisa

    A Success Story

    Ain't that the truth! I know just how you feel, this has happened to me twice now (with the same guy). That is the sweetest story. Your boyfriend sounds like a great guy, very level-headed and it's wonderful that you're both having fun with his gain. I am sure you love him, fat or thin, given...
  14. Charisa

    The fabulous BHM/FFA Creativity Thread...

    What can I say, it's a gift :D Can't draw people worth a damn, though! (Blushes). Thank you very much!
  15. Charisa

    Beer belly?

    I don't know, but it certainly looks good on you! It's nice how it "wraps around" your torso.