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Recent content by Cosmic~Wombat

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. Cosmic~Wombat

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Welcome.. to lurk is now and then the best thing to do.. nice to have a few extra guys here that admire the larger side of life. Ron
  2. Cosmic~Wombat

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    Thank you.. I was just at your profile. I have a friend up near you named Surly Bratt and thought it might be you! It isn't but can't ever have enough friends. I am off to shave that ugly head right now actually. Thank you for the kind words too. Ron
  3. Cosmic~Wombat

    The show your face/introduction thread

    WOW you're beautiful!
  4. Cosmic~Wombat

    Knee pain

    no.. tylenol is a liver toxen.. it will kill you. It is acetaminophen and if you understand how your liver works you will never take it. I hold an active Pharm D and know what the hell I am talking about... go with advil and let anything acetaminophen be as far away from your life as you...
  5. Cosmic~Wombat

    Where are the 'not so skinny' FFAs at?

    I just want a woman that is comfortable with her size.. no matter what it is and who is comfortable with mine. I am picky but not about size.. sizes change attitudes usually don't. :D
  6. Cosmic~Wombat

    Knee pain

    I bought knee braces for both knees.. they are light weight were only around 30 bucks each and will fit even 400 pound pear shaped legs. I will look up where I got them if you like but they are comfortable and keep my knees in order. I did so much damage to my knees in my early 20s that no...
  7. Cosmic~Wombat

    Where are the 'not so skinny' FFAs at?

    My guess would be EVERYONE!
  8. Cosmic~Wombat

    Where are the 'not so skinny' FFAs at?

    Yea.. are there any "not so skinny" ones out here? Morning everyone:kiss2:
  9. Cosmic~Wombat

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    Please be kind :bow:
  10. Cosmic~Wombat

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Single male from florida.. bit chubby and would like a ssbbw to cuddle with for life.. don't really expect to find one here but hey, can't blame a guy for looking right?
  11. Cosmic~Wombat

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Welcome back.. I was Baloo back in those days! You look wonderful!
  12. Cosmic~Wombat

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    Cool.. I am sure lightning would strike me if I went in a church!;)
  13. Cosmic~Wombat

    The thread for random single confessions Part Pentium...

    I confess that I am tired as hell and if anyone knows ANYTHING about FHA home loans please email me at txswombat@aol.com because I am approved for a loan but not sure if I should accept it.. there has to be something I am missing.
  14. Cosmic~Wombat

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    That is cool.. I have several digitals none of great quality. I still love my slr body cameras and the lenses. I would love to see some of your work (if it is already here forgive me but I didn't read the name of the person that posted this) The photos posted so far though.. really are...
  15. Cosmic~Wombat

    Creepy encounter in the woods

    knowing me... I would shoot it and put it on the grill