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Recent content by crosseyedhamster

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. crosseyedhamster

    Coming Out of FA Closet - Worse Experiences

    I shared this on a different thread a few years back, but when I was in 7th grade there was this girl who was a bit bigger, whom I thought was just gorgeous, that I hung out with a lot. One day a group of guys pulled me away and circled me to ask me if I was blind or something. I eventually...
  2. crosseyedhamster

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Finally, nearly ten years after playing it, I have beaten The Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. And yes, chronological context is ENTIRELY necessary when discussing this game.
  3. crosseyedhamster

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Finally got it to work on Windows 7! XD
  4. crosseyedhamster

    Add a word, ruin a movie.

    Baseball Batman
  5. crosseyedhamster

    Want to feel old?

    Personally, whenever someone tells me I'm old, I like to shoop out "old" with "a Jedi master."
  6. crosseyedhamster


    Assuming I can muster the drive to get up and get a suit and a hair cut, I'm considering going as Sterling Archer (but with Brown Eyes)
  7. crosseyedhamster

    Whatchu got?!?

    It's been indicated to me recently that I ought to mention I am 6'4...
  8. crosseyedhamster

    Dims Crushes

    I think I could easily say Oona and x0emnem0X. :wubu:
  9. crosseyedhamster

    What Are You Watching Right Now?

    Parks and Recreation
  10. crosseyedhamster

    Hayyy, gurl (or bro?)

    (Technically) Four words (I think...): Warframe, free-to-play, on Steam Five more words: Space ninjas with assault rifles. Join us. (Alexponential on Steam)
  11. crosseyedhamster

    Hayyy, gurl (or bro?)

    The phrase I have heard for this is "bisizual", and I quite like it. (straight guy, who likes girls of many shapes and sizes) If judgemental people ask then you just say "I like what I like, and I'm not gonna boil it down for qualify it just for you." Also: VIDEO GAMES!!!!!?!!??!!!? :DDDD
  12. crosseyedhamster

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Warframe, from Steam. Assault rifle space ninjas, baby!
  13. crosseyedhamster

    The Dimensions Dungeons and Dragons (DD&D) Thread!

    I've been playing Neverwinter and so far I really like it! I know a lot of people are down on 4th Ed (I actually really liked it...) and Neverwinter is 4th Ed, but one of the most common complaints I hear is that it's DnD the MMO. So Neverwinter being a DnD MMO using 4th Ed Setting seems like...
  14. crosseyedhamster

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Been trying out Warframe, back on Left 4 Dead 2, and Neverwinter now that it's up and running
  15. crosseyedhamster

    90's gaming

    I just downloaded The Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver onto my PS3. Which I already had on PS1 but never beat and can't find the disk (consolidation is a worthy effort anyway though). I love that game, so much. That and Threads of Fate are probably my two favorite PS1 games. A buddy recommend...