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  1. D

    Being lusted after by a closet FA

    Not sure if this helps, but I was like that too. Not sure of myself, in the closet about it, etc. The biggest reason for said closet is a fear of abandonment from people that were close to me, like my friends or my parents. I would make a big deal out of this, and completely loose track of what...
  2. D

    FA are sexist?

    Yeah, that sounds familiar. Remember, for some people fat equals unhealthy and lazy/sloppy, so people that claim they are attracted to fat 'simply have to be' a sinister freak, 'because it makes no logical sense otherwise'. It kind of feels like racism, I'd say.
  3. D

    BBW in Greece

    I was in Athens a few years ago, and I kind of got the impression that bbws were more accepted by default. There were bigger waitresses, for instance. Maybe I wasn't looking right, or just being a tourist. But still :)
  4. D

    Your reaction to FAs

    I just read the explaination on FAs on your blog. Very nice! I think I agree.
  5. D


    Ah, hier gebeurt dus ook niet echt meer iets. Jammer maar helaas..
  6. D

    Your reaction to FAs

    I'm curious, why was your guard up to begin with?
  7. D

    Your reaction to FAs

    Hmm, maybe I should nuance myself a bit. Sorry about that. I think I mean both. Reaction to bullying and harassment, as well as not accepting ones body. Acceptance is sometimes really the only way to live, and getting phased by bullying is not really a good idea either.
  8. D

    Your reaction to FAs

    I think it is unfair and very unhealthy for anyone to develop that much attachment to an idea. It makes me question the girl's age. Fat girls are not exempt from having to grow up and taking responsibility. Does said girl really not want to be loved for her personality or achievements? Does she...
  9. D

    Your reaction to FAs

    My reaction to your reaction to FAs I'm an FA, or atleast I used to be, I think... I like fat chicks, and I've dated a few, but I've somewhat shyed away from the whole thing by two things: - Some fat girls turn their size-acceptance problem into such an enormous issue, that it...
  10. D

    BBW party in Amsterdam

    Yeah guys! Get this lady a ticket! Hahahaha.
  11. D

    BBW party in Amsterdam

    I haven't posted an aweful lot here, but this is something you really don't want to miss! On the idyllic canals of Amsterdam in late summer, the first dutch BBW party organisation organizes a fantastic boat trip to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the parties. If you come, register early...
  12. D

    Obscure movies you absolutely love.

    I stand corrected. You're right, Kurosawa and Hitchcock are not obscure. They are definitely worth a mention tho.
  13. D

    Name a FA character from film or TV

    Puff, Puff, Pass When the main characters get into rehab, one hits it with a sex-crazed bbw. She's hot and he loves it!
  14. D

    Obscure movies you absolutely love.

    Everything by Kim Ki Duk He turns Korea into paradise, every shot is art, and the stories are original and nasty, in a sort of silent erotic way. Come and See (Russian war movie) Don't try to get it, it's really an insanely disturbing movie about a boy turning completely mad during the...
  15. D

    Going to The Netherlands

    I haven't been on this board for ages (2 years?), but the last BBW party over here (in NL) was last week and it was great! It is a bit young, but there's a growing scene over here. With any luck there will be one in may as well.