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  1. D

    If I delete my account, will my posts be deleted?

    I believe it is illegal not to allow someone to delete their account! Unless Canadian law is different to U.S. law? May be on thin ice with that rule.
  2. D

    Melissa Mc Carthy

    An entire community? Seems to me like a small handful of people who think they rule these boards and are so set in their ideals that they refuse to accept or listen to another point of view. Yes, I do not post much and guess what, I will not be posting at all in the future. There are plenty...
  3. D

    Melissa Mc Carthy

    I just love that little message that pops up when I log on to Dimensions....Hi Dex, it appears you haven't posted in a while, why not comment or join a discussion etc etc. Well, here is one damn good reason why I don't very much. Yeah, I like some women because of their fatness, so what? If...
  4. D

    Melissa Mc Carthy

    What I was saying is, one minute she states she is happy as she is, then has a change of mind. What are you trying to say about my post? Am I not entitled to an opinion just as you are?
  5. D

    Melissa Mc Carthy

    She is now losing weight, jumped on the diet wagon. All for her new clothing line launch. Last year she was quite happy not to diet. Why do people change?
  6. D

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    Wow, Shosh. You look great.
  7. D

    Influence of first exposures to fat stuff?

    Ah Yes, it's coming back to me a little more clearly now. Thank you for the input.
  8. D

    Influence of first exposures to fat stuff?

    I remember a story that was told at school....this was back in the early 1970's! It was about two best friends, one fat and one thin. They lived in a society where there were around equal numbers of fat and thin people. One day, the "ruler" of the land demanded that all of the fat people had...
  9. D

    What does one do when she discovers a love of the gym?

    Just thinking this should be renamed the Weight Loss board! Seems as though Dimensions is moving with the times along with many people on here. Give in to the media masses and go to a size zero.
  10. D

    How fat do you like 'em?

    I prefer a girl who is shorter but very round, say 5 ft 6 in or under and over 300 pounds. Rare to find a girl built like that and rarer to find one who is happy with her size and even rarer to find one who would accept a compliment about her curves.
  11. D

    Locked out!

    Hi, has anyone else here been locked out of their account on Dims due to someone attempting to log into your account with the wrong password? It's happened to me twice this week. The I.P. addresses were in Ukraine and Newark, NJ. :mad:
  12. D

    Virgin Flying.

    Not flying with Virgin as they don't go to the UK but I was just checking out various airlines policies on luggage, weights etc. Size wise myself, I am not big by airline standards, only by Doc's standards! (6ft and 240)
  13. D

    Virgin Flying.

    I was looking at flights on line and found something that may be interesting, annoying, confusing or all three. You can fly as an adult with your children (ages three or above) or have a "lap infant" age 0 to 2 years. Surely a lap infant on an adults lap is the equivalent of a person of plus...
  14. D

    Question for 30 something men

    Depends on the people involved. As a teenager, I had this girlfriend who wanted to touch me in places that back then, would be reserved for married people! Maybe I am just old fashioned? A hug and quick kiss on the cheek is what I would expect after a first date.
  15. D


    Thanks for the replies. Yes, Loopytheone, enjoy what you can when you are young and if you want to do something, do it as you may never get a second chance. I have come full circle so to speak, now back at almost where I started, with NOTHING! I've had the jobs, houses, cars and all the other...