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  1. eljay

    LargeFriends.com Gold Membership worth the price?(please comment!!!)

    Man, if she's as hot as you said then spend the money and roll the dice! Its not like it costs a meeelion dollars! But read the profile first too eh? :)
  2. eljay

    Im a confused individual thats needs advise

    I hade to say it dude, but it sounds like this is the real reason that you want your gf to lose - The same reason you are motivated to work you butt off to keep uber-in-shape yourself? Not entirely suprising... I am sure that there are many guys like yourself who are conditioned into The Thin...
  3. eljay

    Anybody from the UK out there?!

    Devonian brit here, (ooh, arrr!)
  4. eljay

    Why BBW/SSBBWs?

    What's *not* to like about it :P
  5. eljay

    New record yesterday

    My thoughts exactly
  6. eljay

    Car Accident Anniversary

    Again, thanks for that. :bow:
  7. eljay

    RTSs, FPSs, RPGs, ects....

    I think i started playing Mazogs on the ZX81 when i was about 4... i blame that for me not now having a medical degree! Currently i waste lots of time on eve-online and UFO Aftershock.
  8. eljay

    What Happened to Kelligrl?

    She could even be reading this thread right now...
  9. eljay

    Tough Love vs. Spanking

    Well, this evening i am in a most un-funny mood, having just had to take a friend of mine to AnE for what turns out to be a kidney infection. Your post is the first thing that has made me LOL since i've returned, so tnx! /me hands Seth a sniper rifle so he can make a start.
  10. eljay

    Why do BBWs Feel the Need....

    IMHO it is likely because it is oft seen as "odd"... society currently point tries to lead us to believe Thin = Attractive. In which case why would you go for a BBW?
  11. eljay

    Some of you may like this post/ Some of you may not *here ya go*

    Christmas, like most things has has been fubar'd by our great free market economy. BUY MORE CRAP they say, and we do. Opt out, or do your own thing, if a public holiday turns into a nightmare, you're doing it wrong!
  12. eljay

    I have a queston for all the FA's here

    hmm...does that make me the only FA who does not have a thing for belly buttons? :)
  13. eljay

    Thoughts on the "feeder preference"

    maybe a new thread is required...? I don't think there is anything stopping your voice from being heard...
  14. eljay

    Thoughts on the "feeder preference"

    Awww...bless... Still maybe you could be tempted to visit "Old England" instead ;)
  15. eljay

    Thoughts on the "feeder preference"

    I'd have to admit to having a bit of a thing for bbw's with cute toesies too :p