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Dimensions Magazine

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  1. E

    Breaking Chairs!

    I sat on one and it folded up like a paper napkin,LOL.
  2. E

    What is your weight right now?

    Keep up the good work, and you can become number one!
  3. E

    What is your weight right now?

  4. E

    What is your weight right now?

    325 and still feel so skinny.
  5. E

    BMI - What's Yours?

    45. getting a bigger number as I type,lol.
  6. E

    What is your highest adult weight?

    335. But lost a lot,50 pounds. Now on the way back up,310 so far.
  7. E

    How many inches is your belly ?

    60" at 5'8" 310 pounds.(wish I could say kg)
  8. E

    What is your weight right now?

    Only 310,but still a gainer.
  9. E

    What's your BMI Guys?

    Now at 50.2,have to reach 478 to beat 71.0 nly a mere 330lbs now.
  10. E

    your fantasy weight

    I am presently 330lbs,but would love to become 600-900,with the right person.
  11. E

    What does DIMs and the BHM/FFA Board Mean to you?

    I just like finding out that there is at least one place where a straight BHM may find a place where women may find us attractive.