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Recent content by firefly

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. F

    What song is currently stuck in your head?

    Love that song so much. It's so sad that Toby has passed away.
  2. F

    In Rememberance

    This is making me really sad *cry*
  3. F

    In Need of Costume Ideas

    http://www.plussizelingerieboutique.com/ Maybe you can find something here? I love the greek goddess gown...
  4. F

    What's pissing you off today?

    Asking someone for "emotional" support and not to get any. Lesson learned!
  5. F

    Smells that make you quesy

    Being a vegetarian for several years now the smell of meat in general causes my stomach to cringe. Don`t misunderstand me, everybody should eat what he or she wants, but even opening my parents fridge isn`t fun for me at all.
  6. F

    Dimensions' Diabetic Support Thread

    :bow: This are really perfect lab results!
  7. F

    First Date Ideas for SSBBW

    You may want to have a look at this thread: http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40247 There you can find a lot of helpful advice!
  8. F

    Favorite Sayings, Phrases and Quotes

    To quit is not a valid option. This did help me a lot in the past years.
  9. F

    Hopes, Wishes & Dreams for 2015

    I want to become healthier and find my significant other. That should be enough for 2015.
  10. F

    Rep Your Pets!

    Sounds like I'm a Miss-know-it-all but aren't they called Bernese Mountain Dogs? Here is my Elliot - unfortunately we had to shave him because other dogs had bitten him all over and now it takes some time to grow back the fur ;) He was rescued at the beginning of October. He's about ten years...
  11. F

    2015 Singles Party :) (otherwise known as the Singles Thread)

    *grabs spiritangels hand and asks her if she knows how to Madison?
  12. F

    2014 Singles Thread

    So happy for you, Gingembre and Mimosa! Please spread some of those "falling-in-love"-virus to all us singles here ;)
  13. F

    Random health related "confessions"

    Having diabetes does feel horrible. Not being a healthy supersize human any more. Meh!
  14. F

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    In the quotation is a little symbol in the first line, a blue arrow i suppose, which direclty catapults you to the post to which the quote refers.
  15. F

    You Might Be In Your 40s If...

    And the times when you didn't have to pay for watching MTV! :mad: