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Recent content by ForeignSoul

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  1. ForeignSoul

    Feelings on Guy Tits?

    Mine are quite pertinent... They are in your face! lol However, I get a little 'blah' when they are sticking out. Like the belly, not so much the moobs. Plus, I'm sure my better half doesn't like them :( But.... whatevs. One of my coworkers LOOOVES when I need to go into the walk-in...
  2. ForeignSoul

    are you a snuggler or not and why?

    I'm the same way. If I spoon before bed, I gotta be the big spoon/outside spoon. I feel the protector, the comforter.... But, once sleepy time comes, all bets are off and I roll over to lay on the edge of the bed... (Big Edge..lol)
  3. ForeignSoul

    Do you get a lot of chicks?

    Under Seige II: Dark Territory has some great quotes I use daily... "Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups" and, my other fave that I always use, similar to yours... "Chance favors the prepared mind" Both are totally daily usable! lol Sometimes I use the first one a dozen...
  4. ForeignSoul

    Pet Peeves!

    I'm also a night owl...guess that's why I do the 3rd...10p-7a 5 days a week...lol
  5. ForeignSoul

    What are you happy about today?

    Good luck on Monday! I'm happy there's a mini marathon of Kitchen Nightmares on BBCAmerica. What?! Is anyone shocked a big guy loves cooking/resteraunt shows?! Also happy to go see X-Men: First Class this weekend. (Thrilled the 20pc Nugget at McD's is on $5!..i Loooove...
  6. ForeignSoul

    Just want to clear myself up...

    I don't recall ever saying a divorce....if I did, I shouldn't have aired any issues like that on here...All is well now.... Anywho.... 15 years huh? That's awesome! I only have 45yrs left...it was in the vows. "In sickness and health 'till death, or 50 years, do you part?" I...
  7. ForeignSoul

    Just want to clear myself up...

    So, after recently celebrating 5 years of married bliss.... I was pondering if anyone else arounde here was married. I also realized some of my posts came across as a lonely single guy looking for love. Sorry bout that! But, just wanted to see if I'm the only married fool around...
  8. ForeignSoul

    wanting to gain......again

    While I must say I'm not a feeder/feedee, gainer...whatever... I have put on like 100lbs the past 5 years. Sometimes I struggle with the choice to gain or maintain. Most of the time though I do just enjoy a nice big meal and don't mind if I put on any lbs! lol
  9. ForeignSoul

    What does DIMs and the BHM/FFA Board Mean to you?

    I must admit, I don't really go anywhere else on the boards than the BHM area....perhaps it's time to venture out.... I just usually stick here cause I've become familiar with some of you and, I'm not a fetish feeder/feedee or anything like that....I'm just a BHM...meh
  10. ForeignSoul

    Pet Peeves!

    Really?! I despise the afternoon shifts. Like, 1pm-10pm? Get home by 11 or 11:30pm, watch a movie, have a drink...go to sleep by 1 or 2am. Then you get up at 10am or so then have but an hour...hour and a 1/2...before leaving for work again. I hated 2nd shift with a passion!!! It's...
  11. ForeignSoul

    What are you happy about today?

    While not thrilled I only got 4hrs of sleep, I'm very happy I woke up. I'm happy every day I wake up and get to enjoy another day. Also happy that I have 'SMACKDOWN' on my DVR to watch this morning! lol
  12. ForeignSoul

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I am unhappy that I was called into work on my day off....and then they bitch about our labor % going into the trash because of my overtime. "Hey! Call someone else in then who doesnt' have 40hrs a week already, damnit!!" Also a bit annoyed that I over 'cooked' my Hot Pocket and one...
  13. ForeignSoul

    The Music Thread

    :D I LOOOOVE 90's alt/grunge! Music just isn't that good anymore it may seem! lol
  14. ForeignSoul

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Thanks! Although I have to admit and confess.... it was a sock I had just bought and tied around my head....lol