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  1. Fox

    R.I.P Whitney Houston

    What a fantastic musical diva. I know she's been gone for a while, but I still miss her. :( RIP
  2. Fox


    After many years of tussling with gender dysphoria, denial, guilt, and shame, I have finally come to realize that there is nothing wrong with transgendered. It's not a defect. It doesn't mean I'm too weak or worthless to bare the responsibilties of being a man. It's something that I should...
  3. Fox

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    I know I know, I'm late for posting Halloween pics! Gosh..
  4. Fox

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

  5. Fox

    My Little Pony

    OMG I love that show! :wubu: It was one of the only three cartoons I watched over the summer. And my niece really likes it too. It gives us something to do together when she visits. :happy:
  6. Fox

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    I may not be a BHM, but I do have a nice booty for those who are interested. ;)
  7. Fox

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    She is totally cute (and looks very good in purple). ^^
  8. Fox

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Now 20% cooler. ;)
  9. Fox

    Happy Birthday Spiritangel!!!!!

    Happy belated birthday, Spirit! :) Sorry I missed it.:(
  10. Fox

    What makes you awesome?

    My inability to fit any known stereotype. For many years, my peers have tried to give me many different labels. Some of them radically different from others and some more flattering than others, but I don't completely find anyone of them correct.
  11. Fox

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    He has such an adorable terrier. :happy:
  12. Fox

    What would you like to do _TO_ the previous poster?

    Hug her for the sake of hugging. :)
  13. Fox

    Steve Jobs: a great loss.

    Oh, so tragic.. He was a brilliant man and has changed the world of modern technology as we know it. He will be missed. :(
  14. Fox

    FAness and sexuality

    It surprises me a little that you are still making a deal out of this. You'd think that if people didn't get it the first few times, they wouldn't now. I am impressed by your boldness on this though. Anyway, I do agree with you on this topic. People who have different preferences or...
  15. Fox

    A Fuller Bottom with the Brazilian Butt Lift

    Well, it is Brazil.. :p