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Recent content by Jamie2056

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. Jamie2056

    Which part(s) of your body would/do you like to see FATTEN up the most?

    My belly belly belly seriously, huge bellies are the best on me and on others.
  2. Jamie2056

    Has anyone else eaten a dozen donuts?

    I've eaten a dozen doughnuts before. On quite a few occasions in fact
  3. Jamie2056

    Do you ever rub your belly after stuffing?

    Same! I love touching my belly
  4. Jamie2056

    Do you ever rub your belly after stuffing?

    Always, I'm a bona-fide belly rubber.
  5. Jamie2056

    What moment sparked your interest into weight gain??

    I've always been attracted to fat people, my very first girlfriend was chubby and her parents were huge. I spent most of my early adult years in the military and stayed in shape because well, military lol. I always had a really healthy appetite and loved to eat. After I got out I got a job in...
  6. Jamie2056

    Has anyone else eaten a dozen donuts?

    I have indeed eaten an entire dozen on several occasions
  7. Jamie2056

    Stuffing vs Grazing

  8. Jamie2056

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    Welcome friend
  9. Jamie2056

    My crush is putting on so much weight

    You should probably let him know about your preference up front. Let him know directly that you absolutely love all the weight he's gained and how sexy and attractive you find it. Tell him you wouldn't mind seeing him grow even bigger.
  10. Jamie2056

    Tattoos on Women - your opinions

    I love tattoos, I feel they are a personal method of expression and a declaration of "this is my body and I'll do what I like with it" both empowered and vulnerable at the same time because tattoos also share a glimpse into where a person was at in life when they got it.
  11. Jamie2056

    Eat before Sleeping?

    I love to eat right before bed
  12. Jamie2056

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Right now I am sad because I had to end a friendship with someone.
  13. Jamie2056

    Feeling The Weight of your Belly

    I definitely enjoy the feeling of my belly as it gets heavier, especially after a large meal. Also it sways from side to side
  14. Jamie2056

    New experience

    Ermegherd! I got stuck in my first booth at a restaurant last Friday night it was awesome, I didn't think I would enjoy it so much.