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  1. Jaycee

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    Look who finally got their Mother's day present!! This is Dahlia all the way from Kansas to Minnesota.
  2. Jaycee

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    Update on my chicks sadly I lost 11 of them (they got cold and wet..) but I'll be ordering more now and possibly ducks now. I did get some hay cut today nothing better than being in the on a open station tractor aka how I get my tan
  3. Jaycee

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    Not on the topic of whatever else is talking about but I don't care because I'm SUPER excited!! I got my chicky chicks today!!!!😁🐣🐤🐥 15 meat birds and 20 layers!
  4. Jaycee

    Got a CVS delivery the other day

    Congratulations!! Motherhood is unbelievably amazing, hard at times but priceless
  5. Jaycee

    Mandatory stay at home weight gain?

    Right!! @Barrett Just pardon while I pick my jaw up off the floor and wipe drool off from face 🤤
  6. Jaycee

    Anyone else completely UNathletic?

    I'm unathletic as in I have never played on/in any sport in my life. Mainly because I grew up 12 miles out of town and my parents were not going to run in to town constantly for sports. I've tossed a ball around a some birthday parties but that's the extent. I'm not physically unfit athletic...
  7. Jaycee

    BHMs who still work out?

    Yay! Another homeschool alumni 😝 (didn't think there'd be another former homeschooler on dims.) I'm sure Dallas is a lot different than rural life. I'm pretty sure I'd stir crazy in a city trying to serectly have goats 😂
  8. Jaycee


    I also had that thought process as a child. To me stuffing and weight gain just go together hand in hand. Not alone on this. It's definitely both! For me the kink lines are all blurred on these. The act of overeating by someone who I find attractive is a turn on. And as I've mentioned before...
  9. Jaycee

    You know you are an FFa when.......?

    Had a know you are a FFA feeling, when my newly single sister (who is definitely not a FFA), sends me screenshots of her possible Tinder guys to verify they don't look like sure my FFA type.
  10. Jaycee

    Your SO's initial reaction to your body

    Oh that would make me more star wars illiterate lol 😅If anyone is counting I've never seen a single Harry Potter movie either
  11. Jaycee

    Your SO's initial reaction to your body

    Me too!! I've never seen a single one
  12. Jaycee

    Different types of F/FAs?

    Right! I think people have harder time realizing that for people with a fat preference, some people just because you don't find what society says we should be attracted to.
  13. Jaycee

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    I made my Nana's coffee cake! It's a passed down family recipe from Silesia/Prussia for Streuselkuchen. Tastes just like my Nana's did☺️
  14. Jaycee

    Being the FFA/FA friend

    I'm getting to where I'm confident enough about my preference towards big men (I'm just getting in to my 20s) starting to not care about what other people think. There still is times of being embarrassed to admit who I find attractive especially, if my friends for whatever reason start talking...
  15. Jaycee

    Being the FFA/FA friend

    Exactly!! I sometimes wonder if it makes it harder for other people to comprehend when a fit/smaller person finds fat people attractive. We live in a society where it's supposed to be a very taboo thing.