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  1. J

    FA Dating Frustrations

    He may be new to being with a larger woman. Although I notice you say “seems like” he is bothered. Why not just ask?
  2. J

    FA mistakes?

    I don’t know that everything can be coughed up to gender biases. Men and women are inherently and biologically different. To pretend otherwise would be disingenuous. These differences manifest themselves in different ways. Some emotional or rational expression is also due to hormonal and...
  3. J

    FA Dating Frustrations

    My experience is exactly the opposite. Most I come across are jaded from the lack or attention in a previous (or ongoing) relationship. I’ve been approached by more than a few married women at events looking for attention who caught me staring. But then I’m the the NYC area - people are...
  4. J

    Whatever happened to Dims Matching?

    I was a member years ago, and it was a great dating type setup. It was basic, with no frills. But worked well for me, especially in my area (NY Metropolitan Area). I’m eager to begin the search for my next ex-wife! :p
  5. J

    FA mistakes?

    Thats the inherent difference between men and women. We say what we are thinking and are answer/solution oriented. They speak to emotion and don’t want an answer, they just want to be heard.
  6. J

    BBW’s and the Fashion Industry

    I agree. As I said, it’s about how a design drapes and falls. That’s also why I believe a certain amount of laziness is involved. It’s just easier to use a formless model. As for money, that is always a motivation. This is why no one will crack that unless they are already established. It’s...
  7. J

    BBW’s and the Fashion Industry

    I have an art degree and did a lot of freelance work over the years, including fashion design and consulting. What I’ve discovered is the majority of the weight bias in media and society comes from the fashion industry as a whole. Through my own experience this is due to two reasons. First...
  8. J

    Bottom heavy

    I agree 1000%. But then I’m ass, hips and thighs centered!!
  9. J

    FA mistakes?

    I never really considered the term FA to describe myself. I don’t know why, because I’m very forward about only being attracted to large women. Even my dating profiles say those exact words. My biggest mistake would be assuming that woman who is willing to share her weight indicates either...
  10. J

    Bottom heavy

    I’m not talking about a nipple fetish, although I’m sure that’s a factor as well. I mean 99% of men go straight to the nipple and ignore the rest of the breast anyway. Hence me saying the rest is window dressing.
  11. J

    The Reality Of Dating An SSBBW

    This is true for any relationship. They all have obstacles to overcome. Yes, there are issues specific to being a ssbbw or a mature ssbbw, but like any relationship you work through them or you get the boot!
  12. J

    How do you describe what you like to others?

    I don’t describe it. If asked I say I’m only attracted to larger women, otherwise it should be obvious from who is on my arm. I had some near death experiences and saw people die in my life. It helped me realize life is too short to give a fuck what people think of my choices or what the media...
  13. J

    FA/FFA Who was Your First Plus-Sized Crush?

    The Lane Bryant catalog. I used to sneak it into the bathroom.
  14. J

    Not sure if it's my insecurities talking or I am seeing a red flag.

    There may be red flags, but that generally isn’t one. I’ll use myself for an example. I’m a gym rat, although after passing 40 my six pack is not a defined as it once was. I have ALWAYS dated or been with larger women (like size 22 to 28 range). It’s what I’m attracted to and it has nothing to...
  15. J

    Bottom heavy

    People will always have something to obsess about and worry over. This is natural. That being said, the fact that I can search “big ass small tits” and find porn dedicated to it is telling that I am not even a minority. Besides, it’s all about the nipples. The rest is window dressing.