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Recent content by Johnny718Bravo

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  1. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Oh my, biodieselman, you just confirmed the paranoia and defensiveness of Palin and the tea partiers. Maybe because they're on tv screaming violence and bringing guns to political rallies. Guilty conscience much???
  2. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Neither one of those clowns are winners.
  3. Johnny718Bravo

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    I LOVED this movie. The trailer got me hooked instantly. After I saw it I started reading the graphic novels it was based on. Personally, I think people are too hard on Cera. Just saying :-) AWESOME/10
  4. Johnny718Bravo

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    I LOVED that movie. Very underrated.
  5. Johnny718Bravo

    Christine O' Donnel's lack of constitutional knowledge.

    Mr. Crybaby's ego just might make him do so. As for Christine, I hope this is the last time we see or hear about her and Angle.
  6. Johnny718Bravo

    Christine O' Donnel's lack of constitutional knowledge.

    Thank you Delaware! Still I can't believe she got that many votes.
  7. Johnny718Bravo

    Christine O' Donnel's lack of constitutional knowledge.

    Pay attention now... *clears throat* I'm calling Christine O'Donnell CRAZY, UNSTABLE, UNQUALIFIED and OUT OF TOUCH. Also, as stated before, I am questioning the mental stability of people who support O'Donnell after she displayed her "knowledge" about the Constitution. Clear enough for...
  8. Johnny718Bravo

    Christine O' Donnel's lack of constitutional knowledge.

    Crazy. Unstable. Unqualified. Out of touch. Sounds about right to me.
  9. Johnny718Bravo

    Christine O' Donnel's lack of constitutional knowledge.

    I question the mental stability of anyone who supports/defends O'Donnell after hearing her talk about her Constitutional "knowledge"
  10. Johnny718Bravo

    The Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B Thread

    Xzibit - Hurt Locker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy1NL34UW8Q
  11. Johnny718Bravo

    The Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B Thread

    A thing of audio beauty.