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Recent content by KaliCurves

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. KaliCurves

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC Im a emotional mess. All I want to do is cry.
  2. KaliCurves

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    Here are a few of Mine. Im still learning, But I love my camera and I love using it.
  3. KaliCurves

    BBW Confessions thread

    He did, He said there is nothing he can do that I need to lose weight. He said its going to be a long slow process. I need to learn to deal with the pain. He said I need to get a Tens unit, and wear it, my insurance wont pay for it. That I need to lost weight, and take a Pilates class, and...
  4. KaliCurves

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC I have to go see a back specialist in a couple hours, and I don't want to go. I know all he is going to do is blame my back issues on my weight. even though I have had back pain since I was in my early teens, and I only weighed 110-130 then. IC I might be going through depression. All I...
  5. KaliCurves

    BBW Confessions thread

    LOL Im sure I will. Eh Im weak, I have been trying to drink lots of water,a nd eat good foods and try and get my strength back. I just feel yucky and tired. I want to sleep A LOT
  6. KaliCurves

    BBW Confessions thread

    I was sick on Easter and I lost 11 lbs in just a few days. I'm not sure to happy or sad about it....:confused:
  7. KaliCurves

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I'm having a wonderful time with my kids on spring break. I watched them make sand castles on the beach. I'm getting to see my Fiance, and soon to be step daughter at the end of this month for an entire week! I am grateful for all that is mine. My new job with Passion Parties is going great...
  8. KaliCurves

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC That I'm really lonely tonight, I miss my kids, my fiance. I miss how life is suppose to be. I don't want to be sitting here alone on Sunday night. After being in a relationship for 18 years, and having kids home with you for 15 years. Its a really lonely feeling when no one is around any...
  9. KaliCurves

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Im Happy that my love will be here in two days, and that I have started my New business in Passion Parties, and by this time next year my life will be much better! :D:D:D
  10. KaliCurves

    The "Kermit Project"...

    I know My Kermy fits it, and thats why we dressed that way for Halloween! We posted photos on here somewhere! I LOVE MY KERMIT!
  11. KaliCurves

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC I cant wait to send my my kids off to there dads for a week and get the hell out of California, and head to New Hampshire to be with my fiance. I miss him so much and Im really starting to get edgy and snappy lately because I am missing him so much. I am becoming that bitter old bitch who...
  12. KaliCurves

    R.I.P Rhonda :(

    This is very sad and shocking news. I post this with deepest condolences from Haunted and I. This is so sad, god bless her family and friends in there time of loss. Im glad she had someone so special to meet her on the other side, and whom she was looking so forward to seeing again it warms my...
  13. KaliCurves

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    In just 6 more days and my Fiance will be here with me for just over 2 weeks!:D
  14. KaliCurves

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I am happy I am finally divorced from my Ex, and can move on with my life. I dont have to listen to him and have him control me any more.:D I am Happy I have a wonderful TRUE FA in my life who loves me for me! He loves me thin or fat, he loves me no matter what is going on, He doest put on...
  15. KaliCurves

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC We dont have a date set. Im already trying to plan this wedddimg. I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to planning my own wedding. I secretly dont want help because others always try and impose there wants in and I want this about us and our girls only! IC I want to do it simple...