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Recent content by Leesa

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. Leesa

    Has the baking begun?

    Save me some! :eat2:
  2. Leesa

    camping trip

    I am ready! When are we going camping? In a cabin, of course! :p
  3. Leesa


    Already friends. :) Now, lets eat!
  4. Leesa

    Farewell AJ Confessore

    Angie, AJ and me! <3
  5. Leesa

    Farewell AJ Confessore

    You made NJ a wonderful place to visit. I will never forget your unconditional love for the fatties! <3 Thank you, Anthony John!
  6. Leesa

    restaurants for big people

    Yesterday, a friend and I went to dinner before heading home from a nice, long weekend. The hostess brought me to the most convient spot she could find (gotta fill em up, while the back of the restaurant is empty!) I looked at her with a "my four year old nephew would be squashed in here" look...
  7. Leesa

    Heroes and Villains at the Big Beautiful Jersey Bash April 27th - April 29th

    It will be so nice to see you, K! :):):):):):)
  8. Leesa

    Full Figure Fridays Toga Party Foxboro MA

    This is new to me, never heard of this group. Thanks!
  9. Leesa

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    Stationary bike weights
  10. Leesa

    Heavenly Bodies NYE!

    Yeah! I hardly got to see you. :(
  11. Leesa

    Heavenly Bodies NYE!

    :bow: Thanks to the Heavenly Bodies Team! Happy New Year!!! :bow:
  12. Leesa

    Information please

    Thanks Vickie. The prescription is not for the stockings I would get measured for, just the ready to wear kind. I will talk to my Primary Care Doctor and see if she can help me.
  13. Leesa

    Information please

    I went to the DR today and found out I have Venous Insuffiency. He gave me a scrip for compression stockings. Sadly, my diagnosis is not covered by my insurance and the stockings are $85! Any ideas? I saw the stockings on EBay for $12-25. Are they the same stockings I would get at the medical...