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Recent content by Madeline Maple

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  1. Madeline Maple

    BBW “Quarantine Genes” by Madeline Maple [~BBW, SSBBW, ~XWG]

    Thanks so much, Chubbychaser. You just made my day!
  2. Madeline Maple

    BBW “Quarantine Genes” by Madeline Maple [~BBW, SSBBW, ~XWG]

    Oh my god hello Dave! Good to see you and thank you! Will now dm...
  3. Madeline Maple

    BBW “Quarantine Genes” by Madeline Maple [~BBW, SSBBW, ~XWG]

    Hey, everybody! It's good to be back. This is a weight gain short story with no chapter breaks. I use third person omniscient and blend two WG subgenres: the family curse subgenre and the quarantine gain subgenre. I’m especially excited about my take on the idea of a family “curse,” opting for...
  4. Madeline Maple

    BBW “Quarantine Genes” by Madeline Maple [~BBW, SSBBW, ~XWG]

    [Continued from previous post] By spring of 2022, Aly had now spent two years eating on her loveseat while sharing her mom’s immobile lifestyle. She had no clue what she weighed, nor did she really want to know. At 525 pounds, it was difficult for Aly to do regular tasks, but she wasn’t exactly...
  5. Madeline Maple

    BBW “Quarantine Genes” by Madeline Maple [~BBW, SSBBW, ~XWG]

    [Continued from previous post] Aly tried to stay busy during the early days of quarantine. She caught up on her reading, took up jigsaw puzzles, and did a yoga routine every morning. While her father loaded her dinner plate night after night, Aly did her best to practice portion control. Her...
  6. Madeline Maple

    BBW “Quarantine Genes” by Madeline Maple [~BBW, SSBBW, ~XWG]

    A young woman tries to keep her figure during Covid-19 quarantine. Will her family’s heavy history get the better of her? Quarantine Genes By Madeline Maple Aly never had a normal childhood. Her family never went on picnics or trips to the amusement park. Not when you have a mother who weighs...
  7. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    Thanks to everyone who read Reality Check and thanks to those who left encouraging comments especially Dave the Brave. Big thanks also go to Conrad Blickenstorfer who's brought untold happiness into the world. -MM
  8. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 14 Franny June 3, 2016 "T minus 15 minutes!" Mrs. Steinfeld cried. "I'm almost done with makeup!" Susie shouted as she smoothed eyeliner with the side of her thumb. Franny's mom was running around trying to be helpful, but she was mostly just in the way. Franny noted that...
  9. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 13 Stan June 27, 2014 The edges of the pancake bubbled as Stan held his spatula at the ready. He surveyed his stovetop, observing the bacon, grits, and sausages that occupied the other three burners. The coffeemaker dripped black drops into the pot below, and Stan knew smells were...
  10. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 12 Franny January 3, 2014 Franny stared briefly at the red digits. "585," she read. Bracing her hand against the bedroom wall she stepped carefully off the scale. Ever since her trip to the grocery store she hadn't been feeling that steady on her feet. So she just took it easy as...
  11. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 11 Stan November 21, 2013 The wind howled through the tree outside the bathroom window as Stan spread shaving cream across his chin. Already fall seemed like a distant memory. He remembered November in Iowa and how the month still seemed like autumn. But November in Fargo meant an...
  12. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 10 Franny June 19, 2013 Franny moved the seat forward so she could touch the pedals and gently rubbed the top of her belly as it pressed lightly against the bottom of the steering wheel. Her breathing slowed as she got over the exertion of climbing into the car. It pleased her to...
  13. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 9 Stan July 29, 2012 Stan marveled at the thick green oak trees perfectly manicured along the suburban streets of West Fargo. Reaching for the air conditioner he realized it was already blasting as much cold air as possible. The long, humid summer days almost made him forget last...
  14. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 8 Mrs. Steinfeld May 29, 2011 The sound of raucous laughter filled the living room as Mrs. Steinfeld tried her best to smile and look happy. She saw her daughter Zoe pouting in the corner, and it pained her to know that whenever her two daughters got together one or both of them...
  15. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 7 Stan October 17, 2010 As Stan parked in front of Mrs. Dalloway's bakery he felt his heart racing. He paused for a moment to take a deep breath. This is really happening. I'm really going to do it, he thought. He entered the shop and greeted the college girl at the register...