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Recent content by massconsumption

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. massconsumption

    Hypothetical: How fat would you get if it was only for 24 hours?

    I'd Definately want to be at least 450#. I'm 5'6 so it would be substantial and if I could choose where it would be it's going on my thighs, butt, hips and moobs😍
  2. massconsumption

    Which part(s) of your body would/do you like to see FATTEN up the most?

    Definately hips, thighs, bootie, moobs 😋
  3. massconsumption

    FFAs where do you stand on moobs/Gyno

    So I'm not giving mine up for nuthin'.....
  4. massconsumption


    I just got finished eating two double cheeseburgers and large fries order from five guys:eat2:I love their food it's simple and filling!!!
  5. massconsumption

    Feelings on Guy Tits?

    Im always proud of my rack and have no shame in showing them off, especially at the beach where I get varied mixed reactions from others (I guess I'm into shock value--goes along with my style of humor:)
  6. massconsumption

    Gastric Bypass of an aquantaince

    I just heard from a friend that she had gotten new news about a side effect from a gastric bypass she had about three years ago which has come back to haunt her. She, of course, had gotten the surgery done from a very well thought of specialist who does these on a very regular basis (about...
  7. massconsumption

    My Measurements?

    Haven't done this for awhile but here's what they are. Chest 55½" (incl. Moobs--dead center) Waist 66" (before lunch, not bouncing) Hips 62" Thighs 35¼" (extended, leg not folded) Arms 18¼ (unflexed) Calves 17 3/4 Weight 365¼ (dry) Height 5'6 (wet) Pants 64-66" (Sweats preferred...
  8. massconsumption

    Belly library (men/women)

    I have not posted for awhile--get too busy as usual this time of year, but I need to post more, stay tuned. me from front-side at tha beach like stretchmarks??? URL=http://img401.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img2669fm8.jpg][/URL]
  9. massconsumption


    Thanks for the welcome and the support!!! I'm so glad to be here. As for the beach, its my annual trek to NJ (which I like alot cuz theres lots of diners). As for flirting at the beach, I do 'try' to flirt, but as I have said in another post, most gals I've tried to flirt with are a bit...
  10. massconsumption

    Fat - Fashion by choice??

    I've been thinking about a burning question. With all of the "fixes" that have been and are being introduced to the public on weight loss (ie. gastric bypass methods, pills, genetic re-engineering, etc.) that perhaps soon it may be that 'being fat' will be a thing of the past (EEK!!). So...
  11. massconsumption

    If you are single, is it because you choose to be?

    Good point--great incentive!!! Didn't mean to scare folks away (and I used to be shy too!!!) Massconsumption
  12. massconsumption


    This is one of my first posts here. I just found this website. It's like finding a new candy store. People who share the same views as I do about size, attractiveness, and the way you see the world. For me I'm a BHM who adores BBWs. Around here though, they are shy and don't really...
  13. massconsumption


    I absolutely love stretchmarks. I have them all over and think of them as milestones as to where and when on my body they first showed up. And now its like a race sorta to see how many end up in certain areas. Right now, really no "new" ones have started--but the old ones have gotten larger...
  14. massconsumption

    If you are single, is it because you choose to be?

    Im single (and new here). Its not necessarily my choice, but because of school, which I finished with a Masters Degree, and work staying very busy. Now though, I'm able to relax some and get out more. I just found this website. I like!!!! I'll need to post some pics if anyones interested.;)