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Recent content by Msprettypanties

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  1. Msprettypanties

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    I like her signature, and avatar you're very pretty :)
  2. Msprettypanties

    Lies Your Parents Told You

    My mother told me that if I lied I would get a lie bump, which were actually swollen tastebuds. If I ever had one she would ask what I lied about recently, she told me they wouldn't go away until I told the truth. I believed this for a long time.
  3. Msprettypanties

    Lies Your Parents Told You

    LMFAO!! I laughed so hard at this I now have tears in my eyes :)
  4. Msprettypanties

    On the edge of 30

    A minister friend once told me it feels like it takes forever to reach 20 and after that everything goes so fast, I finally get what she meant.
  5. Msprettypanties

    Getting the fat lecture after WLS

    No one deserves to be treated like that, sorry you had to hear that.
  6. Msprettypanties

    Talk about you experiences with WLS

    My mom had GB surgery. She tells anyone who will listen to not get the surgery. She is miserable. Something went wrong with the surgery and my mother had a stroke. It's really sad because she is young just in her 40's.
  7. Msprettypanties

    Some weekend near DC

    I hope you all do this again soon, this is right up the street from me. I'm sad I missed this.