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Recent content by Munchausen

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. Munchausen

    What is...?

    Tempt My Trouble - Bishop Briggs
  2. Munchausen

    The Thread of the UNEXPLAINED!

    @MattB I would not have expected wall knocks to be the most common phenomena. Do they ever turn out to be anything relevant? And thanks for the encouragement. One house I lived in had a lot of quirks. The windows were all just lopsided enough that they couldn't be opened. There was a spot in...
  3. Munchausen

    The Thread of the UNEXPLAINED!

    I'll preface by saying that some of my mental health issues are known to come with hallucinations, which is what I try to chalk paranormal experiences up to. Equal parts terrifying and fun. I have a pretty long list (some of which even have witnesses), and I can make them a bit more literary...
  4. Munchausen

    In Rememberance

    My deepest condolences to anyone who knew Spiritangel personally or in any kind of depth. I only had a few interactions with her, but she went out of her way to show kindness in times when that was rare in my life. Given the impression on me in the time she made it, I can only imagine how really...
  5. Munchausen

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    press - spurs
  6. Munchausen

    Change A Letter - 4 Letters: Part 2

    rind - rain
  7. Munchausen

    What is...?

    Gorgeous by X Ambassadors
  8. Munchausen

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Last Song - Bobaflex G
  9. Munchausen

    Classes end Friday, then my maternity leave starts

    My bad. In that case, good luck surviving finals and hope the transition to a little break goes smoothly.
  10. Munchausen

    Classes end Friday, then my maternity leave starts

    Good luck on your finals @Barbsjw. Hopefully you've got it in the bag.
  11. Munchausen

    What kind of HS extracurricular activities did you do?

    Whoa. That's wild. And the clone thing is a little icky feeling. Girls have got it rough.
  12. Munchausen

    Funny Pictures, Cartoons, and Memes Thread

    I think your Batmobile has one too many wheels... or perhaps it's up on jack stands on the other side.
  13. Munchausen


    Forrest Gump
  14. Munchausen

    Change A Letter - 4 Letters: Part 2

    gold - dolt