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Recent content by RedHead

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. RedHead

    TLC 13-part series: Big Medicine

    I haven't seen the show...but I have to say that through my own trials and tribulations of having done a gastric bypass 7 years ago I have learned the following 1) It does not make everything in your life hunky dory 2) Your real friends will become apparent 3) If you were addicted to...
  2. RedHead


    I was with a gaggle of my "blonde" girlfriends when a "guy" walked up to me out of no where and said "Redheads are just blondes that have stood out in the rain to long and their brains have rusted!" He smiled and walked off...leaving me for once speechless;and my girlfriends cracking up.:huh:
  3. RedHead


    Oh the irony of seeing this as my very first post after months and months of not being online! Love to hear from everyone
  4. RedHead

    A Fashion Opportunity?

  5. RedHead

    Hello everyone....it's been a long time!

    Hello everyone, thought I'd just drop you a quick note to say hi. I've missed you all and thought of you often. I see so many new faces; but a lot of the oldies:wubu:
  6. RedHead

    I'm back in the saddle again

    Well thank you all! I started a new job where I travel out of town; into what we fondly call the "Bush"...which means only one way in, by plane. Most of the places don't have internet. I love my new job; but it's been very time consuming and hard to keep up with daily stuff. I thought of...
  7. RedHead

    The Game of WHY...

    Because they are ultimately after your soul! They want to suck you dry! "Why are there more blue sunny days in the winter, than in the summer?"
  8. RedHead

    I'm back in the saddle again

    Not literally; but I actually have a "FREE DAY" to play online and wanted to say hi to everyone. Missed all of you!
  9. RedHead

    GBS Rant

    Thank you....I've missed you too! I've been so busy that this is really the first time I've "played" on the computer rather than working. How are you my love?
  10. RedHead

    GBS Rant

    Awwww sweetie, I feel your pain.......I too have people say "Are you gaining weight? You look like you put on a few pounds!" WTF....I'm in the same size jeans. It sounds a little like PTS with your surgery on your stomach. It could be that while healing that became more of a habit than you...
  11. RedHead

    Saint Bernards and Greyhounds

    Hey all....haven't been on in a Looooonnnnng time; but thought I'd drop in and say "hi" and give my two cents. As someone who opted for WLS I can say that even with calorie restriction I lost little weight. But when I was able to do physical activity as well as restrict my food intake I was...
  12. RedHead

    I'm back in the saddle again

    Strangley enough I have the saddle sores to prove it! So I am here, missed everyone; didn't want you to think I fell of the next cliff. But I am 88% healed now and feeling much better. I just got back from the east coast on training....I leave for the bush in a week then I'll be back a week...
  13. RedHead

    Back from the land far, far away....

    Which basically means the two surgeries back to back kicked my butt!!! I am not taken anything but advil now and lunesta to help sleep. I am slowly but surely getting back to normal (whatever that means in your world)....but I know I haven't posted in a while...I travel a lot for my new...
  14. RedHead

    Am I a traitor? I feel like one...

    I'm sorry that you are feeling this way. But they are your feelings....may I suggest thinking hard on WHY you have a feeling a guilt? Cause that smacks of doing something morally and legally wrong....which I don't see the case for that. I know I haven't been on in a really long time; had...
  15. RedHead

    The Scale of Things...

    Tom Selleck calls mine "Fobi Farts" since Dr. Fobi did my surgery. I must say that both my son and husband have insisted that they left something inside me....because it's just not right! Considering that I am overwhelmed on a daily basis by testosterone...it kind of makes me feel good that...