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Recent content by shygirl

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. S

    Deciding to gain. Again?

    Thanks. :) How do you post pictures? I'm finished my week. I ate A LOT of food. I enjoyed myself, but I couldn't get past the feeling of it all being just one big guilty pleasure. However, at the start of this binge, I weighed exactly 190lbs. I weighed myself this morning, and I was 195. So...
  2. S

    Deciding to gain. Again?

    I decided to give myself one week. One week of binging and intentionally trying to put on weight. I don't know how much (the scale will tell me on Monday!), but it's been a good, calorie-laden, stuffed past couple of days. Eating lots of the things I know I shouldn't be eating. OH WELL! :) (My...
  3. S

    Deciding to gain. Again?

    Hello everybody! I guess I've been hanging around this place for a while now, though rarely post. It's an on-and-off thing for me, and I guess I go through phases. But I'm at another one of life's crossroads and figured I'd ask if there have been people who've been in my shoes, and if they...
  4. S

    BBW's and Skinny Dudes

    I like me a tall, skinny guy. :happy:
  5. S

    What is your weight right now?

    215lbs as of last week. So close to the 220lbs (short-term) goal! :happy:
  6. S

    Which part(s) of your body would/do you like to see FATTEN up the most?

    My belly, definitely. And my boobs, haha. Though I like my thighs/hips/butt/lovehandles where they are right now. :)
  7. S

    What are you happy about today?

    1. I got paid today for a freelance job. 2. It was gorgeous outside. 3. Dad cooked spaghetti for supper, and it was AMAZING. 4. I finally got around to cleaning up my bedroom and can move around more freely without tripping over stuff. Today was just a nice day.
  8. S

    your limits?

    Hmm. I think I would let myself get to 250-260lbs in the long run. I'm at 230 right now (a previous goal, I suppose), and I'd like to maybe see how much of the potential weight gain will go to my stomach. I mean, I love the fullness of my hips and thighs, but a bit more belly would be fabulous...
  9. S

    Dream Concert... 5 Bands

    Living bands: U2 Coldplay Oasis Interpol The Arcade Fire Not-entirely living bands: The Beatles The Doors Jeff Buckley Joy Division AC/DC (Bon Scott)
  10. S

    To gain or not to gain?

    I know exactly what you mean. A few years ago (when I was 17/18 years old), my mom suggested I went on a diet. I'd been overweight my entire life up until that point, and at this time, I was 210lbs... It didn't bother me, but I thought, "Yeah, whatever... I'll do it." So after eating...
  11. S

    2009 Singles Thread

    Single, and always have been. But I do have my eye on someone right now. *crosses fingers*
  12. S

    Best/Worst Canuck bands...

    100% x 3. And then there's Matthew Good and Neil Young.
  13. S

    Gains so far in 08

    Hmm. I'm not too sure... Maybe 25lbs or so? Most of which within the last 3 months. I'm definitely beginning to see and feel it. Definitely.
  14. S

    your fantasy weight

    I think I'm currently somewhere between 220-230lbs (I don't have a scale to get an accurate number, but I was 215 in the summer, and I definately see and feel that I've put some pounds on since my return to college!). I think I'd feel comfortable going up to 250... I'd be even happier if that...