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Recent content by SuperSizedAngie

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  1. SuperSizedAngie

    Post pictures of you outside =D!

    *eyes widen* Mmm, you're looking great!! I am especially digging the beard and the long hair :);)
  2. SuperSizedAngie

    Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome

    They told me the same thing. I went to get tested when I was 10, after already having a period and other secondary sexual characteristics for three years. I've always looked older than I am, and especially with how fat and tall I was (with d-cups already), the nurse assumed I was about 17. Thus...
  3. SuperSizedAngie

    Yoplait Pulls Ad Over "Eating Disorder" Issue

    Having worked with people with eating disorders and having had many friends who suffer from an ED, I can definitely see where that commercial could trigger disordered thoughts and urges.
  4. SuperSizedAngie

    It's funny how things change...

    I'm so glad that you're loving your new body!!
  5. SuperSizedAngie

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Oh, definitely! Don't worry; I didn't take that in a bad way at all :-) I'm actually thinking about taking a few pole dancing classes over the summer. It would be nice to be able to practice again.
  6. SuperSizedAngie

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Yeah, nobody would have believed me otherwise!
  7. SuperSizedAngie

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Here's me from last night. LOL, a friend said there was no way I'd be able to do this at my weight..... Shocked the pants off him when I actually did it.
  8. SuperSizedAngie

    Weight gain tease and fat talk?

    Yes, and over on that board, they told him to come here. Catch-22, no? Anyway, to respond the original poster, I've done some weight gain tease videos before. I can't recommend those to you, as I think it's a conflict of interest for me to pimp my own clips. However, some of the big...
  9. SuperSizedAngie

    Un-Freinding Feedees

    Something I'd like to point out is that there is a big difference between gainers and feedees. Not all feedees are gainers. Some people really enjoy the act of being fed, but don't enjoy weight gain. For them, the act of being fed is erotic. Weight gain? Not so much so. I have known a few...
  10. SuperSizedAngie

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Having fun on my first snowday!
  11. SuperSizedAngie

    My personal feelings about my recent weight gain

    Healthy & happy are my two main priorities! Just got a check-up earlier this week, and my vital statistics & blood work all look great :-)
  12. SuperSizedAngie

    My personal feelings about my recent weight gain

    At the moment, I am SOOO hungry. I just got home from class and I'm looking for something to stuff myself with! I got a deep fryer over the past few months, so I've been frying up chicken strips & mozza sticks and all sorts of delicious foods to eat. One day I want to see if I can stuff...
  13. SuperSizedAngie

    My personal feelings about my recent weight gain

    Thanks, BigWarmMan. I know I don't write in this thread as often as I should, but my expanding body really makes me happy!
  14. SuperSizedAngie

    My personal feelings about my recent weight gain

    Sure, I'll share some pics as soon as I can put some together that show the weight gain & are Dimensions appropriate. I do have some pics up here at my blog but they're not appropriate for Dims or else I'd just repost them here.
  15. SuperSizedAngie

    A Rallying Cry Against Fraud

    As a girl with a "male Paypal name," let me explain to you why I have it set up like that.... Because I prefer keeping my name and address private. I use a friend's paypal account that he made for me, and I get any and all packages related to my online life sent to his place. Why? Because I've...