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  1. tonynyc

    Comment by 'tonynyc' in media '20210703_191957(2)(1).jpg'

    Gorgeous in Pink- you look great and hope you are enjoying the Holiday Season
  2. tonynyc

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    Hope that everyone has been doing well - just checking in... I look back at my earlier post over the years and see how much my workouts have changed. Trying to do more abbreviated workouts - with functional strength in mind. I use a Y-BELL (multi-functional [Kettlebell - Dumbbell - Pushup...
  3. tonynyc

    Comment by 'tonynyc' in media '20200301_150924(1).jpg'

    Gorgeous in Black
  4. tonynyc

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    I have been looking at the 1st thread on this Forum and it is amazing that folks have kept up with some form of exercise over the past (13) years despite the daily challenges.... Covid has certainly changed the way that I do workout. 1. I don't frequent a gym at this time and prefer to workout...
  5. tonynyc

    The Thread For Long-Time Members To Check In...

    just dropping in to say hello - i haven't been on the Dims board for quite sometime - glad to see that this community is still chugging along
  6. tonynyc

    NAAFA Chronicles

    Link to newsletters on the early days of NAAFA https://naafa.org/chronicles
  7. tonynyc

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    Grip Strength Training and Neck Work today
  8. tonynyc

    Looking for a Dentist

    I did a search online for Dentist that would see patients with special needs and came up with this toll free number for Dentably 1-888-420-6826
  9. tonynyc

    How is everyone handling the heat?

    I don't handle the heat and humidity well at all. Glad for A/C
  10. tonynyc

    Reactions and Observations From a "Mismatched" Couple

    At the end of the day is having someone that is attracted to you and values you; nothing wrong about what you seek in an ideal mate and what you are willing or not willing to make compromises for.
  11. tonynyc

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    Today's Abbreviated Workout 1. Two Hand Kettlebell Swing (Moderate Weight Bell) - 30 reps 2. Two Hand Club Pullovers - 3 minutes
  12. tonynyc

    Airlines might weigh passengers

    I think that there are several things to consider when examining the issue of weighing passengers. 1. This has to be done respectfully. 2. Privacy concerns - what happens to this data ( in cases of data breach) - and or will it be sold to 3rd parties
  13. tonynyc

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    Farmboy or old man strength workouts . With the pandemic began to appreciate the use of other types of equipment than the traditional barbells or dumbbells for strength training. I've also started to utilize tools for (explosive and dynamic) strength training. Started to do abbreviated training...
  14. tonynyc

    In Rememberance

    RIP - this is so sad and yes Kathie was a very nice lady. Wasn't she a model for the Greeting card company "RockShots" that did the Bulging Beauty Greeting Cards? Below is a link to a site that featured Kathie... http://hugkiss.fortunecity.ws/ Had to make an edit to this post and that life is...
  15. tonynyc

    Comment by 'tonynyc' in media '20200606_173711_5.jpg'

    Rare , Stunning and to be admired !!!!