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Recent content by WildDiva

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. WildDiva

    Comparing size to race

    I agree with susannah! and hey finchdog Im 5'6 and 320 ish and georgeous as well;)
  2. WildDiva

    Alright, my polycystic sisters....

    I can totally relate with the pain you are talking about...although my dr hasnt dismissed my pain, he has blamed my pcos on my weight...he basically tells me i need a full hysto for this to go away. For now i take the advil and deal with it...oh and i get the pain at least every couple of...
  3. WildDiva

    Closeted Fa's.

    OMG Lilly i coulnt have said it better myself!
  4. WildDiva

    Lane Bryant Expected to Go Bankrupt This Year

    I think it stinks that we have to pay so much more at LB i hardly ever buy anything there that isnt on sale or the bras and panties of course. I can see how they might, because people dont have the money to spend on clothes like they did...plus i blame walmart for getting those cute, cheap plus...
  5. WildDiva

    found a corset place on ebay

    this is awesome thank you!
  6. WildDiva

    Facebook, MySpace, AIM

    www.myspace.com/verypinknwet yahoo IM adrienne_69
  7. WildDiva

    What are you wearing right now?

    some black capris, a pink lace trimmed tank top and some flip flops;)
  8. WildDiva


    some really cheesy lasagne, texas garlic toast, a crisp green salad with italian dressing and some strawberry cheesecake for dessert mmmmm:eat2:
  9. WildDiva

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: WildDiva Age: 36 Location: Midwest Profession: customer service,mom and aspiring bbw model Music: r&b,some rock some pop Likes:cooking, good movies,mexican and italian food,spending time with my son,good sex,sexy confident men and bbws Dislikes:closed-minded and ignorant people,bad...
  10. WildDiva

    Names for Vagina.

    good old pussy,kitty or punani works just great for me!
  11. WildDiva

    Anything going on in Indiana?

    Hey there Indy here and i would love to know about any events xoxo
  12. WildDiva

    Is there interest for a BBW/SSBBW and FA Club in Indianapolis

    Count me in, i would definately be there!