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BOTH The Bridesmaid (BBW, BHM, WG, XWG)

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Jake (JMJ2)

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
New York
So I messed up and forgot my password so I'm locked out of my old account. I'll be posting from time to time under this name.

Anyway, this is a story from my patreon page that I thought I'd share. Please feel free to check out that page as I post almost exclusively there. Thanks.


The Bridesmaid

By Jake (JMJ) and ST

“God, this dress is hideous. Good job, Jamie.”

Wendy Lowe looked over the purple monstrosity hanging on the back of her door and grunted in frustration. She had been dreading this day for months once she had seen what her former college roommate had picked out. The dress was a shade of purple that looked like a fruit (it was actually Boysenberry) and was made out of a material she had never even heard of before.

Wendy still could not believe that she was invited to this wedding, let alone a part of the bridal party. She and Jamie had been roommates in college and stayed in touch for a time afterwards, but that had been almost 5 years ago. She didn’t even know the grooms name up until the engagement party.

Wendy thought back to when she picked up the dress and laughed. She remembered that during their sophomore year, she would tease Jamie all the time about her weight, referring to her once as a bowling ball with legs. This was all done in jest, of course, but she really had meant it. Jamie was indeed a big girl, probably in the neighborhood of 300 pounds, and one who used to get hurt easily. Wendy constantly found herself apologizing to her roommate and trying to cheer her up.

“If she cries tonight I’m not cheering her up.”

Wendy thought back to the night before and how Jamie had been somewhat emotional at the rehearsal dinner. That ended when she got a little alcohol in her. Then she was all smiles and laughing with everyone.

At one point, she and her husband-to-be, Robert, asked for all the bridal party pairings to come up for a round of celebratory shots. Wendy had been paired with some lard-ass named Zack. He was a mountain of a man, easily over 400 pounds and dwarfed both Jamie and Robert with his girth. She was completely grossed out by him, even more so when he walked away and Jamie informed Wendy that he had a crush on her.

“Ew, that’s gross!” Wendy said, wrinkling up her nose.

“Come on, he’s a nice guy, who knows, maybe you’d like him,” Jamie replied, sipping on her cocktail.

“I don’t think so, he ain’t my type,” Wendy replied before sipping on her vodka club.

“You never know,” Jamie muttered under her breath.

b n ordered four shots of vodka and then proposed a toast to them, which was in Russian. Wendy had no clue what he had said, but cheersed with them anyway. Almost as soon as the liquor slide down her throat, she felt a rush of something that had her feeling woozy. She thanked everyone and headed back to her hotel room and passed out until the following morning.

“Have to be careful with the alcohol today,” Wendy thought to herself while brushing her teeth.

Wendy grabbed her too-purple dress and a few other items before heading down to the bridal suite to prepare for Jamie’s big day.

When she arrived, all the other girls had already started getting ready and enjoying themselves. Jamie’s mom, a big girl herself (and probably the root of her daughter’s weight problem) was offering up massive-sized muffins along with glasses of champagne. Wendy politely declined the muffins and made her way to a corner to start the tedious grooming process. She wasn’t much of a pastry person.

Standing in only her panties, Wendy made quite the impression. She was about 5’6”, taller than most of the bridal party and definitely much thinner (evident by the fact that unlike everyone else, she had a four pack). Wendy had run 10ks since senior year of high school and even the rigors of a stressful job as a paralegal did not keep her from staying in shape. She was actually going to start looking into running a marathon soon, once the craziness of the wedding had ended.

Some of the other girls tried talking to her, but Wendy engaged with them at the bare minimum. She had not gone to the bachelorette party, so their stories about Vegas meant nothing to her. She was working as a security guard at night, so she didn’t exactly have much money to spend on any types of parties. She had taken the LSATs and was now just trying to save up enough to go to law school.

The girls continued to rattle on about what they had done and how “naughty they had been”, which only meant they looked at guys with no shirts on. She just wanted this day to end and couldn’t wait to go home in the morning and relax for the remainder of the weekend. She sipped on her glass of champagne and waited for her turn in the makeup chair, hoping the other girls would leave her alone.

Makeup and hair finished, Wendy proceeded to get dressed. She recalled just how big the dress was even with all the alterations and once it was on, Wendy felt like she was wearing a tent. Walking was somewhat of an issue as the fabric bunched up between her slender legs since there was such a copious amount of it.

“Christ, this is going to be annoying,” she swore to herself.

One of the other bridesmaids, Linda, brought over another bottle of champagne and refilled the slim brunette’s glass. Wendy thanked her and got up to leave when something caught her noses attention. She glanced back to the portly red-head and noticed she had a plate filled with goodies.

“Where did you get that food?” Wendy asked.

“Oh, Jamie’s mom ordered up room service for everyone. It just got here, so I got myself a plate,” the red-head replied.

The smells seemingly intensified with the news and Wendy’s stomach began grumbling. She usually only had oatmeal or egg whites for breakfast, but for some reason this morning she was starving. She tried to quell these hunger pains with more champagne, but that was not working. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she caved in.

“Whatever, I’m going to need my strength to get through this day,” she conceded to herself.

Wendy power-walked into the other room and immediately began stock piling her plate with eggs and bacon. None of the other girls had attacked the platters yet, so there was still a pile of food left after she was done fixing her own dish.

That first bite was the greatest thing Wendy had ever experienced in her life. The eggs had been made with just the right amount of cheese, so that they would not fall apart when picked up. The bacon was crisp, but not too crispy as to hurt her teeth when biting into it.

“Oh my god. This is so good,” she proclaimed excitedly to herself.

The food on her plate did not last long and Wendy found that even the eating she had just done had not quelled her hunger pains, but seemingly only intensified them. Without thinking, she went back to the buffet and loaded up on more eggs and added on some pancakes this time. Like before, the food was devured rather quickly and once again left her wanting more. She was contemplating a third trip before the photographer informed every one that he wanted to take a few more pictures.

She stood around with the other bridesmaids and put on her best fake smile, even thanking Jamie again for letting her be a part of her special day. The big woman just thanked her in return and told her how happy she was that Wendy could make it. The two stood for a few pictures before the photographer moved on to someone else. Seeing this chance to break free, Wendy made it right back to the waiting food and loaded up on plate three.

No one seemed to notice how much food Wendy was eating. Most of the chatter was about Jamie and how happy she looked or about the cute best man that two of the women were thinking about hitting on. Wendy paid them no mind and continued to enjoy the room service, doing her best to get rid of the hunger that seemed to not want to dissipate.

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