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  1. E

    What is your highest adult weight?

    well the scale my gf bought goes up to 400.... and it says "ERR" each time I step on it, so I'm not really sure. :confused:
  2. E

    First Lady talks about daughters' weight on TV

    “In my eyes I thought my children were perfect,” Mrs. Obama said at the January launch of her initiative. “I didn’t see the changes.” Thats pretty messed up for a parent to say~ no matter the subject, saying your child isn't perfect in your eyes, especially to the masses... if I were them I'm...
  3. E

    Adapting to Weight

    Thank you for the food tips. Despite the subjects I have made in my original post, I do love being the size I am/gaining weight, such as the feeling of it, and the comments I get. I just majorily wanted to know if there was some "secret" thing someone may do to make things easier at said size...
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    Adapting to Weight

    Thanks for all the tips, I found out I weigh 380lbs just yesterday after buying a scale that goes up to 450 finally. I think the reason behind me having trouble putting on socks/shoes is not only because of my belly, but as I've said before, also because I have a big lower body, when I went down...
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    Adapting to Weight

    Sorry to hear about your experiences, but thanks for the advice. I actually started to buy rice in semi bulk, try to have my gf make it or myself 2-3 times a week to not overdose~ My weight gain has been a fast/moderate type of rate, going up a lot due to these past seasons, so I gues thats...
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    Adapting to Weight

    Hello, I am not new to the forums, just a long-time lurker, haven't been keeping up with the forums these days so if a similar thread was already made I apologize. I posted this here as well as the weight board. My question deals with my gaining weight. I'm a male, however I feel I have...
  7. E

    What is your weight right now?

    somewhere in the 350+ to under 400 range... haven't weighed myself in like half a year.
  8. E

    Adapting to Weight

    Hello, I am not new to the forums, just a long-time lurker, haven't been keeping up with the forums these days so if a similar thread was already made I apologize. My question deals with my gaining weight. I'm a male, however I feel I have "feminine qualities" as my gf pointed out, such as...
  9. E

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Jay leno's show isn't doing good, so bumping it back down to late night tv, also he will be given less time to do his show. First good thing I heard today ( not sure if I am late on this )
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    R.I.P Rhonda :(

    Sorry to hear this, I remember her postings on this board before I became a member....
  11. E

    Infuriating UK newspaper columnist strikes again!

    nice.... I say this often to some of my friends as well as my gf from time to time, not to let people run over you, etc. However, more than once I got an answer such as "What's wrong with running away?". I can say and show how running away won't help change a problem, usually they always find...
  12. E

    crazy fat related sayings you'd like to have on a t-shirt--if you had the gutz

    lmao went crazy rather quickly didn't it ?
  13. E

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    addicted to Dragon Age: Origins on the 360 right now.... and somehow manage to still play Modern Warfare 2 a b it of single player and up to lvl 30 multiplayer. Didn't start playing it till about 2-3 days after it launched cause of DA:O though.