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  1. R

    location, location...

    Northern California
  2. R

    Had an Amazing Experience Today

    Sanders, You shouldn't beat yourself up and you shouldn't take it personally. I'm sure that she acts that way toward men of all sizes. You learned that she is NOT the type of woman that you need in your life. At least you didn't spend $400 on her before finding out that she is trying to sell...
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    Why is this so hard?

    I'm sorry things didn't work out the way that you had hoped. I have a three thoughts: The man you describe seems to be the type of person that only wants to belong to the club that will not allow him to join. Some people are only interested in "what they cannot have." I do not think that...
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    BHM/FA Couples

    I think that my attachment will open this time! Since We are a shy couple, but this picture does show the size difference. I weigh 150 and he's more than double my weight. We are both 5'8" tall. I look taller because I am sitting on a taller chair.
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    BHM/FA Couples

    I tried to post a picture, but I don't think it worked. I'll try again. <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x281/deborahrebecca/picture.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
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    Japanese FFA's

    Perhaps you have sumo wrestler appeal.
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    Where Can You Find FFAs? - The Survey!

    Where Can You Find FFAs? - The Survey! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTIONS *Your occupation/workplace Consultant *Have you ever been attracted to a workmate or client in this job? No *Have you ever been attracted to a workmate or...
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    question for the FFA ladies...

    My business meeting just concluded. We have some extra orange muffins. Are any of you BHM interested?
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    BHM/FFA Confessions/Complaints/Thoughts/Secrets

    2 Confessions 1: My bf is trying to lose weight due to weight-related health issues. I feel guilty that I don't want him to lose weight because his body is 100% sexy. I care about his health, but I think that he looks so hot at his current weight. I feel guilty for not trying to be more...
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    Eye Candy at Work

    My company often hires catering services and one owner of a catering co. is a BHM. He is married, but eye candy nonetheless. When I used to do events planning, I would call him regularly. However, I was moved to the accounting dept. I still see him passing in the corridor from time to time...
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    For all you men who love BBW's...

    I saw it and felt that Phil made a generalization that male fa's like to keep their women big because of lack of confidence that if the women lost the weight, they would leave the men to find "something better". Maybe a few of them are like that, but I highly doubt that this represents the...
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    Ladies, how do you like a BHM's shirt?

    Once, my date showed up in jeans and a t-shirt. The t-shirt was loose, but not so long. We were sitting and talking at Starbuck's for hours. When he finally stood, everything was covered until he decided to stretch. When he stretched, PEEK-A-BOO. His belly was exposed at the bottom. He...
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    lets talk about sex

    I have been a ffa my entire life. I AM ONLY ATTRACTED TO MEN. The men that I date (BHM) tend to look like bouncers. I don't judge anyone according to sexual preference because I believe that everyone should do works for them as long as it is not hurting anyone. I do support same sex marriage. To...
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    Good news... and bad news...

    It may seem extreme, but my advise is to take a major risk and fly to VA and meet your lady on the weekend. In my opinion, you will never know if it was meant to be until you meet her face-to-face. If it were me, I would rather find out sooner than drive myself crazy. Best of luck.
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    Ladies, how do you like a BHM's shirt?

    I think that a BHM looks best TOPLESS! Love to look at shoulders, chest, and belly.
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    How to tell about your fetish

    I have never been able to admit to a partner that I am a ffa. If my partner talks about dieting I just tell him that his weight is perfect and that If he lost he would be too thin for me. I just warn him that I find skinny disgusting. I have never been able to use the F-- word. I'm too shy. I do...
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    The Other Day....

    I'm sorry to hear that. I've been there - only the issue was not weight. My mother would constantly tell me that I should not take a particular class because it was "too difficult" for me and that I would fail. I think that this is the number one way that parents damage children. If you know...
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    Stretch marks are nice. They add character. I love to run my fingers along them. When it comes to BHM, I appreciate the entire package.
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    Hi Ya!!!

    Welcome aboard. I went through the big D last year and for me, the hardest part was letting go. But, once I did, everything turned around for the better. My only regret was tolerating a bad living situation for such a long time. Best wishes and remember that your life is just beginning...