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  1. R

    query to the lovely FFA's...

    I don't associate FAT with LAZY. Personally, I find a man with extra meat on his bones to be more sensual. I am attracted to the look and feel of extra weight. I enjoy a man who enjoys food, but to me LAZY is a turn off. I enjoy going out and am looking for a partner who will join me.
  2. R

    Tired of BBWs that ignore big men

    "And I wish more slender FFA's had the courage to attend such events since slender male FA's obviously have no such inhibition." I don't like to make generalizations. I am only speaking from a one-time personal experience. As a ffa trying to meet a bhm at a "Large Encounter's" event, I found...
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    I didn't get home in time to see it. I only saw the previews. I just thought that maybe someone here could tell me what I missed. It was probably just another example of exploitation.
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    Did anyone see the 1000 pound man on Dr. Phil yesterday evening? If so, what did you think of the episode?
  5. R

    Tired of BBWs that ignore big men

    I'm a size 8 ffa and just because I see an attractive BHM doesn't mean he is going to be interested in me. I've put myself out there and I've even been rejected. Right after being rejected, I ask myself, "WHY?" But I realize that it really doesn't matter. There could be 1,000,000 reasons, but if...
  6. R

    Big and Tall shops!

    ROCHESTER BIG AND TALL HAS NICE CLOTHING. It might be a long drive, but the clothes look really nice. Here are the NY locations: New York, New York 1301 Avenue of the Americas at 52nd Street 212-247-7500 map Manhasset, NY (Long Island) 1625 Northern Boulevard 516-365-0722 Store...
  7. R

    FFAs who like weight gain.

    Weight gain is a big turn on. Unfortunately, most of the men that I date are trying to lose. I tell them that they are too thin, but they don't believe me. They just don't get that I like the way they are and want them to be bigger. When I tell them outright, they think that I am just saying...
  8. R

    Question for the ladies....thoughts on us BHM.

    I have always been a ffa - even before I could walk, I have memories of grocery shopping with my mom. I was sitting in the shopping cart checking on BHM shoppers. Then in 1st grade when I was sent to summer day camp I remember admiring a plump boy in swim trunks. He was about 2 years older...
  9. R

    Where are all the FFA pictures?

    I'm shy, but here's my picture.
  10. R

    Big Latin 450 lbs BHM in LA Ca

    Welcome aboard. Any pictures?
  11. R

    How sexy would you rate the Happy (fat) Buddha out of 10?

    Buddha gets a 10. Although I am not a practicing Buddhist, I work in China town. I bought a sitting Buddha statue during my lunch break and rub his belly for good luck. The particular statue that I chose reminds me of a close friend - the shape of his head as well as the body..
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    BWL, Nice story. I bet that the 4 year old girl will be a ffa. As a small child, I did a similar thing and really embarassed my mom. At that age, I did not know that I was being politically incorrect. My comment was said out of admiration - not as an insult. But even after my mom corrected...
  13. R

    Just wondering who is the biggest guy on here?

    There's another BHM on the list. He shared a really nice video clip. His cat was in the clip.
  14. R

    Would you like to ??

    BWL, Do you really think that I was looking at the bottle? I was looking at YOU, not the bottle. Anyway, I'm a good girl and I keep away from freudian pschhology books.
  15. R

    Would you like to ??

    Yes. I'll use it to massage you -- unless you would rather me use tomato paste! For those who don't understand my comment, I'm refering to a pic from a previous post.
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    My new pics

    Really nice body -- from all angles!
  17. R

    My new pics

    Really nice body -- from all angles!
  18. R

    Hello all...New to the site/board

    Welcome BigMoFo. Please take back your last statement - "The picture I have is a very old picture, being a big guy I am really not that photogenic." Personally, I find that big guys are the MOST photogenic. Do I have to get on my knees and beg to see your picture? Just kidding! Do what...
  19. R

    The "Foods I Wish Were Still Around" Thread

    Nabisco raisin biscuits. I'm not certain of the exact name, but these were very flat cookies (not too sweet) with raisins pressed in the middle. They tasted great with tea. Haven't seen them in years.
  20. R

    FFA and their activities with BHM?

    I love to feed a BHM, but I have never force fed. I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything. But, I do encourage eating and I do sabotage diets. I will cook yummy food that a BHM cannot refuse. I'm into belly rubs and massages, and cuddling. However, I have never had a boyfriend...