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  1. King Garlic VIII

    WHY do I *HATE* Doctors??????????????

    Ugh, sorry to hear that Sandie. I never liked doctors myself either. You come in with a problem, they poke at what hurts for a few seconds, then either say diet and exercise or give you a persciption, mostly the latter. If it dosen't work then they give more persciptions until your body develops...
  2. King Garlic VIII

    is it possible

    Um... yeah... we're gonna have to see pictures... for... uh... you know... observance. Just to make sure... >>
  3. King Garlic VIII

    Zelda's Big Problem - by King Garlic VIII (~BBW, Intrigue, Fantasy, Romance ~MWG)

    Whoops. My bad. Thanks for telling me, and that nice review. :D Over at the other site I posted this at I got a missile up the ass... and it was for a positive response. O_o;
  4. King Garlic VIII

    Fatty goes down!

    Ouch, that looks painful! Hope you heal quick. Oh, and don't worry about covering up your room mess, I can understand as my room's not any better. Pretty room-mess-covering-up...ing though. *_*
  5. King Garlic VIII

    The Random Realization Thread

    I realized if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
  6. King Garlic VIII

    Say Something Completely Random About Yourself!

    I tried sniffing Coke once... but I got ice cubes stuck in my nose. >_<
  7. King Garlic VIII

    Favorite ytmnd?

    http://wiigonads.ytmnsfw.com/ *snickers* I love that song. XD
  8. King Garlic VIII


    "Oooooh, I'm looking over, a three-leaf clover, that I overlooked be-three!" ~ Bugs Bunny singing
  9. King Garlic VIII

    The Question Game

    Wasn't it the one that I was using to unclog the toilet the other day?
  10. King Garlic VIII

    ZOMG, A Newbie! Hide The Chickens!

    Thanks. And yeah, I should refer him here.
  11. King Garlic VIII

    Zelda's Big Problem - by King Garlic VIII (~BBW, Intrigue, Fantasy, Romance ~MWG)

    ~BBW, Intrigue, Fantasy, Romance ~MWG - A titalliting and unique crossover tale inspired by the world of Nintendo. [Author's comment: thought you guys might like to read the fan fic I was made to do by my friend. Dunno if you'd understand any of it, but thought it was worth a shot. It's based...
  12. King Garlic VIII

    ZOMG, A Newbie! Hide The Chickens!

    Hello, greetings, salutations, hola, konichiwa, g'day mate, and (makes clicky sounds with his tongue) to everyone! Well, funny story as to how I found this place. Believe it or not, I'm not actully an FA. I have a friend that is though, and I made a bet with him, which I lost, and he made me...