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  1. joec


    my boy parts work! :eat2:
  2. joec

    New Year's Resolutions

    start waking up before 10am everyday.
  3. joec

    The Next New Jersey BBW Bash

    Jeep & I are going to attempt to come. Subscribing ;)
  4. joec

    Has anyone seen Twilight yet?

    agreed. mediocre at best. the specific effects were lousy, poor acting, all around silliness. My wife and I were actually were shaking our heads throughout the movie. To be completely honest, I believe a lot of this is due to the director. If you look at the director's past directing and...
  5. joec

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    i am happy that i woke up early and didn't sleep past noon!
  6. joec

    seriously.. who does this??

    lies and deceit. :wubu:
  7. joec

    seriously.. who does this??

    So, I was cooking my beautiful wife chili for dinner.. I was in the process of fixing peanut butter sandwiches and she came in the kitchen, screaming and freaking out, and she takes a piece of bread and does this: SERIOUSLY, WHO DOES THAT?! WHO SLAMS PEANUT BUTTER BREAD INTO SOMEONES HEAD...
  8. joec

    Babyjeep's Bachelorette Party!

    Oh snap!
  9. joec

    Babyjeep's Bachelorette Party!

    This is all you get.. for now. :eat2:
  10. joec

    Babyjeep's Bachelorette Party!

    This thread makes babyjeep go WHOO WHOO CHOO CHOO!!
  11. joec

    External harddrive question here

    Agreed. I have an external WD and it's "wonky"! I've looked into it and it spins down when not in use, and the computer will check it to see if it's still online and it will spin up again. It does it's job, but it's just silly. If I were you, I'd check out some reviews of the WD...
  12. joec

    What's in your DVD player?

    Andrea and I are currently watching Will and Grace Season 6! :bow:
  13. joec

    Recent pic of you- part VI :D

    oh hello there
  14. joec

    We Ate The Pounder

    no, sorry :)
  15. joec

    Recent Picture of You-Part 5

    snuffleupagus :eat2:
  16. joec

    How would you complete these sentences?

    1. If I let myself eat anything I want. I would have the Triple Delight from the local chinese food joint and a bud light 2. If I could get as much power as I really want. I wouldn't tell anyone. 3. If I had all the sex I wanted. I'd be sore and never leave our bed 4. If I really...
  17. joec

    Rep Your Pets!

    why thank you!
  18. joec

    Rep Your Pets!

    this is Cooper and he's a beautiful turkish angora!. He's usually a ball of excitement but he was so tired he was actually letting me hold him. Ask babyjeep, this cat is insane.
  19. joec

    Rep Your Pets!

    cooper will eat your dog for breakfast. he is king. i get to see the lovepuffs tomorrow!!11!11eleventy111!111 :bow:
  20. joec

    Wifes piercing

    if it's bothering you, i would definitely bring the topic up.. i think communication is so important in any relationship. one word of advice: i would not bring it up in a negative way or in a way that's going to put her on the defensive.. because getting into a fight over it is not the...