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  1. Scrubbed_In

    Apnea & Diabetes Link

    You bring up very interesting points and I agree that there is at least a correlative relation if not causative. I got curious and noodled around in some online journal databases a bit to see what I could find... there are a few studies floating around out there: Arias, M., Alonso-Fernández...
  2. Scrubbed_In

    Steely Dan Hipsters Thread

    Barrytown people got to be from another world.
  3. Scrubbed_In

    BHM/FFA Confessions/Complaints/Thoughts/Secrets

    I must confess: Though my only experience with girlfriends have been girls from 170ish lbs to around 350ish lbs., I would really like to experience a skinny girl (100-130ish lbs). I love the thought of being with a girl that's less than half my size - a definite fantasy.
  4. Scrubbed_In

    So gents, tell me a little about yourselves...

    Name:Not a very common one. Something interesting about you: It's been said I give a good massage. Age: 25 Favorite flavor cupcake: I suppose chocolate, though I find cupcakes can be a disappointing choice for dessert. You thoughts on the meaning of life: You only go around once...
  5. Scrubbed_In

    Where are the 'not so skinny' FFAs at?

    It's definitely not the size of a woman that would be a deal breaker or maker. I find it that my opinion of someone stems mostly from their "personality" - if I find someone intruiging from their personality, conversations, life goals, etc., chances are I will find them to be just as gorgeous...
  6. Scrubbed_In

    Happy Birthday, out.of.habit!

    Happy Birthday Bets! Hope you had a great one. Will talk to you soon!:D
  7. Scrubbed_In

    Knee pain

    Would have to agree for the most part. Also, with advil (ibuprofen) and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) caution should be used in those with diabetes as these drugs are eliminated through the kidneys. In diabetes the kidneys come under strain, so NSAIDs further strain the...
  8. Scrubbed_In

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thanks! Happy to be here.:)
  9. Scrubbed_In

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    Nothing wrong with a nice place in Michigan. I may be moving there this summer if all things go well. *crossing fingers!* That's a great analogy. I love my space heater.... If it was a cuddly FA (small, medium, or large - for the record!) I'd be all set!:smitten: :D
  10. Scrubbed_In

    Steely Dan Hipsters Thread

    I've seen your picture Your name in lights above it This is your big debut It's like a dream come true And when you smile for the camera I know they're gonna love it
  11. Scrubbed_In

    Feelings on Guy Tits?

    I would expect nothing less!:D ;)
  12. Scrubbed_In

    Feelings on Guy Tits?

    Wow... this thread is great!! I always tried to hide mine when I was younger but became almost proud of them as I've gotten older. It's nice to see so many ladies that enjoy nice manboobs as much as guys like their womanboobs!:D
  13. Scrubbed_In

    For Those With Strange Humor (Like me :))

    HA! Excellent. These cracked me up! :D
  14. Scrubbed_In

    The 2007 Singles Thread

    I'm still looking for the right lady... open to suggestions:)
  15. Scrubbed_In

    So I went to the doctor today...

    Thanks for the vode of confidence! I intend to do my part. I know first hand the need for people who treat others with respect and dignity (go figure:rolleyes: ). Every doctor I've ever had negatively mentioned my weight and the impending problems without an ounce of understanding further...
  16. Scrubbed_In

    So I went to the doctor today...

    I'm soon going to be a new graduate health professional and as a BHM you can imagine the comments I've received from some colleagues. However I have been very lucky in finding many who never made me feel self-conscious about my size. This includes a number of surgical rotations. It will...
  17. Scrubbed_In

    Calling all Youngsters!

    Just squeekin in at 25 here. Found out about the forum recently from a BBW friend of mine... Being a BHM it's nice to find a supportive community! I love this place!:D
  18. Scrubbed_In

    Wookin' Pa Nub in all da wong paces: Advice to BHMs on finding love, from a BHM

    Zagnut, How masterfully put. Like you, and many others, I had early life experiences that travelled with me all too long and have stunted my social development with the opposite sex. I did indeed mature and bloom during college and now in graduate school I continue to reinforce the...
  19. Scrubbed_In

    Steely Dan Hipsters Thread

    Don't you think it was wrong - to interupt my song. I'll pack my bags and run so far from here. Goodbye, dear.
  20. Scrubbed_In

    Steely Dan Hipsters Thread

    I stepped up on the platform, the man gave me the news! He said, you must be joking, son. Where did you get those shoes?