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  1. Dr. Feelgood

    Had an epiphany this morning

    We live in a world of constant change, and a lot of people spend their whole lives trying to fight that ...and losing. The observant ones, like you, learn to treasure what they've got, but also to let it go when that time comes. :bow:
  2. Dr. Feelgood

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Although I am not seriously proposing myself as a model of sanity, this sounds like me in every project I've ever undertaken. So FWIW, at least you know there are two of us. :)
  3. Dr. Feelgood

    What a time to be alive as an FA

    I've read various estimates of the annual income of the weight-loss industry, ranging from 20 to 50 billion dollars. A large chunk of this money goes for advertising, and the first rule of journalism is: never say anything that might annoy a major advertiser. So, although there may be studies...
  4. Dr. Feelgood

    Loop in America

    It goes back a lot further: Homer mentions cheese in the Iliad, which was composed around 750-700 BCE. "Cheese: milk's leap towards immortality." -- H. L. Mencken
  5. Dr. Feelgood

    Loop in America

    To me, 'crumpet' sounds like a Fiat that lost an argument with a semi. :eek:
  6. Dr. Feelgood

    Favorite Sayings, Phrases and Quotes

    His childhood was probably exciting, if he had a handful of peas and a good aim.
  7. Dr. Feelgood

    Whatever happened to apple pie?

    Miss no longer! There are at least four recipes for pineapple-cheese casserole at www.allrecipes.com (plus a recipe for pineapple enchiladas that I have GOT to try).
  8. Dr. Feelgood

    Avocado Toast

    Yesterday I read that hipsters will pay upwards of $20 for a slice of toast with mashed avocado on top. Why? Avocado's flavor is so mild as to be practically non-existent; what is the attraction here?
  9. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Wherever you go, may good fortune go with you.
  10. Dr. Feelgood

    Low Carb Ideas & Recipes

    As luvmybhm pointed out earlier, it's not so much a low-carb diet as a low-refined-carb diet.And for me, the problem has always been bread. Your average, grocery-store whole wheat bread has to have some white flour in it to distinguish it from a hockey puck, and the German health bread you get...
  11. Dr. Feelgood

    The thread for random single confessions!

    It varies, depending on how long you live. :)
  12. Dr. Feelgood

    Loop in America

    Or, in some cases, both hands. From what I've noticed, Americans seem to eat more things with their hands (e.g., fried chicken) than Europeans do. In some places, come to think of it, just about everything except soup is a finger food.
  13. Dr. Feelgood

    What's pissing you off today?

    Oh, but accuracy and honesty are SO 2015...:rolleyes:
  14. Dr. Feelgood

    Threads Asking "What Ever Happened To...?"

    I think we need a separate void, er, board for these postings. We could call it the Kelligrrl Board...
  15. Dr. Feelgood

    I'm back in the hospital

    If it turns out that you can't say 'fuck this shit', let me know. I'll say it for you.
  16. Dr. Feelgood

    What's pissing you off today?

    Think about how many posts you've read from people who have trouble finding clothes in anything but skinny sizes. Now imagine how happy you're going to make somebody by donating your pants to the thrift store. :bow:
  17. Dr. Feelgood

    I stirred the pot a bit by asking a simple question. Was I right or wrong?

    Amen to that. But you could take it further and say that anyone who is going to insult anyone else is just an asshole. IMO the ability to disagree respectfully is the mark of an adult.
  18. Dr. Feelgood

    What's pissing you off today?

    I believe it was the Buddha who said that resentment is like taking poison and waiting for your enemy to die. So you're in good company, Leo. :)
  19. Dr. Feelgood

    I felt old when...

    The Rep Gods won't listen to me, but I greatly appreciate your diplomacy!:)
  20. Dr. Feelgood

    What's pissing you off today?

    I always thought oysters had the right idea: send a million eggs out into the ocean currents, and wish 'em well.