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  1. Dr. Feelgood

    Anyone else ambivalent about Thanksgiving

    It builds character to spend an incredibly long afternoon trying to make small talk with relatives whom you see once a year and with whom you have nothing in common beyond a few strands of DNA. If you are religiously inclined, it can also serve as a penance.
  2. Dr. Feelgood


    Halloween party time for adults is out, but the kids should be able to go trick-or-treating safely. After all, they'll be outdoors, the treats they get will be packaged, and everyone will be masked.
  3. Dr. Feelgood

    Funny Pictures, Cartoons, and Memes Thread

    OTOH, sometimes folly trumps politics.
  4. Dr. Feelgood

    Strange Yet Wonderfull

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you both.
  5. Dr. Feelgood

    What is your current food obsession??

    Nobody has bothered to answer Anna's query about okra,so I will jump in. Almost everyone I know hates okra, because they always buy the biggest ones they can find. This is a mistake, Get the smallest ones (about the size of your smallest finger) and steam them for no more than five minutes...
  6. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you happy about today?

    Talk about a well-equipped (and well-organized) kitchen! You did a great job.
  7. Dr. Feelgood


    We all do. Your enthusiasm and unfailing good humor are like a tonic in these (and any) times.
  8. Dr. Feelgood

    Couple Things

    As far as I'm concerned, THE essential behavior is respect, both in public and in private.
  9. Dr. Feelgood

    Funny Pictures, Cartoons, and Memes Thread

    That shows it's a Democratic dog.
  10. Dr. Feelgood

    Media (and history) has mis-represented gladiators

    There were several types of gladiators, classified according to the type of armor and weapons they bore. Different styles of fighting called for different physical types. The heavily-armed Samnites needed to be muscular to handle the weight of their armor, but the retiarii, who wore no armor...
  11. Dr. Feelgood

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 3

    My wife and I had a dance lesson today: tango. This is the first time we've been able to dance a tango together since her hip replacement a year ago. It felt great.
  12. Dr. Feelgood

    Who is and isn't worthy of a hospital bed/medical care.

    There's at least one. In the online archive of the Journal of the American Medical Association for January 2013, there's a study by Flegal et al. on mortality rates for people with different Body Mass Indexes. It's actually a meta-study, based on an analysis of over 700 studies on the subject...
  13. Dr. Feelgood


    I'll go along with Karl Marx on this: "From each according to (his/her) ability, to each according to (his/her) needs."
  14. Dr. Feelgood

    Plus Size Parenting

    I have wondered how to teach healthy eating. Is it even possible? Children watch TV and are bombarded with ads for candy, soda, and fast food. How do you say, "we don't eat those things" when all the other children they know DO eat those things?
  15. Dr. Feelgood

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    That blanket is beautiful!
  16. Dr. Feelgood

    Funny Pictures, Cartoons, and Memes Thread

    Mark Twain wrote: "Only in German can a neuter maiden gaze at a masculine moon on a feminine night."
  17. Dr. Feelgood

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    I think I know why you have the best neighbors ever.
  18. Dr. Feelgood

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    Your son may be a potential Zen master.
  19. Dr. Feelgood

    Things to do/participate in during self-quarantine

    I'm curious: do you, being fluent in Spanish, find it easy to learn Portuguese? Or are the languages so similar that you find yourself slipping from one into the other without meaning to?
  20. Dr. Feelgood

    What’s your style?

    When I was teaching, I wore a three-piece suit, white or pastel solid-color shirt, bow tie, and pocket watch on a chain. And a hat: panama in summer, homburg or fedora in winter. Now that I've retired, I've gone casual: sports shirt and chinos, with a v-neck sweater in fall and winter. And...