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  1. Dr. Feelgood

    Problems with joints...

    cbd is cannabis oil. Like BEK, I have occasional knee pain; cbd brings instant relief.
  2. Dr. Feelgood

    Songs that are “obsolete”

    "In My Merry Oldsmobile"
  3. Dr. Feelgood

    What’s your type (besides the obvious?)

    I like my women the way I like my coffee: cold and bitter.
  4. Dr. Feelgood

    Best & Worse Job You've Ever Had?

    The best job I ever had was teaching Greek at the university: it is probably the most fun I have ever had with all my clothes on. The worst job I ever had was busing tables at the officers' club on a Navy base. You who were once waiters and waitresses, do you remember the busboys? We remember...
  5. Dr. Feelgood

    BHM tips for back pain?

    I'm with Loopy and Larry: anything you can do to strengthen your lower back muscles will help reduce/correct pain in the long run. Meanwhile, when you need relief NOW, I've found that alternating heat and cold treatments can do a lot. Put a heating pad on the back for 15-20 min, wait at least...
  6. Dr. Feelgood

    What happened here?

    I joined Dimensions in 2006 because it offered an opportunity for civil discourse with thoughtful people. It's still offering it, and I'm still here. I don't think the decline in activity is due to anything we're doing wrong. As many posters have pointed out, Dims was here before the...
  7. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you unhappy about today?

    Like Angel, I know that words are inadequate, but words are all I have to give. I 'll be thinking of you and wishing you comfort.
  8. Dr. Feelgood

    What's your latest kick?

    Bacon and egg sandwiches, with ketchup and sriracha sauce. Okay, I use veggie bacon, but it's still pretty good.
  9. Dr. Feelgood

    Fat attraction ruined my life

    Fat attraction did not ruin your life, because your life is not ruined. You have a wife and children who love you, you have a home and enough food . A lot of people camped along ther Mexican border would be happy to change places with you. You are miserable because you are investing a lot of...
  10. Dr. Feelgood

    MattB's Mundane, Morbid, yet Magically Mischievous, Mansion

    What do you mean, potential?
  11. Dr. Feelgood

    Are complements okay in todays age

    I'm with Agouderia: context and -- especially -- acquaintance determine the appropriateness of comments on appearance. The general rule I follow is that I can tell any woman that her dress or hairdo is becoming; I can tell a friend that she looks pretty (in general); and specific compliments...
  12. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you happy about today?

    Happy landings!
  13. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I know that feeling. Sometimes it helps me to recall this poem of Piet Hein's: Sometimes, worn out with toil and endeavor, I wish I could sleep forever and ever. But then this reflection my longing allays: I shall be doing it, one of these days.
  14. Dr. Feelgood

    Dwes's Depressingly Dillapidated and Decrepit Dungeon Domocile

    If you're in the mood for something Greek, how about Clytemnestra? She was pretty catty, as I recall.
  15. Dr. Feelgood

    Dwes's Depressingly Dillapidated and Decrepit Dungeon Domocile

    My wife says to just ask the cat, and it will tell you its name. Of course, she may have some sort of psychic bond with cats that you and I don't. Or maybe not: our cat's name is 'Meow'.
  16. Dr. Feelgood

    I have a problem, and could use some advice. (Or a kick in the butt.)

    You can't recalibrate what you're attracted to because it isn't a matter of choice; it's a gut reaction. The more important question is: do you value the relationship you've got enough to stick with it, even though you still -- and probably always will -- fantasize about supersized women?
  17. Dr. Feelgood

    Cake and buttercream/fondant flavor pairings?

    Fondant, eh? If you're feeling THAT ambitious, look up Battenberg cake on aalrecipes.com...
  18. Dr. Feelgood

    What do you like to make that is homemade that is easy and delicious?

    Pizza. My wife likes New York style pizza with a really thin crust. I managed to dig up a recipe (for crackers!) that makes a micro-thin crust which she loves. Pizza isn't quick -- what with the dough rising, and pre-baking the crust so it doesn't get soggy -- but it's so easy that we don't...
  19. Dr. Feelgood

    fav comfort food

    A banana and some peanut butter.
  20. Dr. Feelgood

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    At the risk of getting this thread shunted to the foodee board, what the heck do you do with leeks?