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  1. Dr. Feelgood

    Increasing Flexibility (Planet Fitness, Yoga, etc.) -title edited

    The words "gentle" and "flexibility" Immediately made me think "yoga." A good teacher can help you work out a routine you can do at home, and you don't need much equipment -- just your body. Also, you can start as gently as you wish and gradually work up to where you want to go: no danger of...
  2. Dr. Feelgood

    Note to self

  3. Dr. Feelgood

    Note to self

    My stint in the navy immunized me against the f-word, since the heroes with whom I served tended to know only about three verbs (f* was one), three nouns (including f*er) and half a dozen adjectives (such as f*in'). I remember having the following conversation: Bos'n: "Seaman, gimme that...
  4. Dr. Feelgood

    What is the greatest sandwich?

    Open-face Pimento Cheese Sandwich: Get an ordinary 12-ounce container of pimento cheese from the grocery. Add the following: 1/2 cup finely chopped onion, 1/4 cup finely chopped bell pepper, 1/2 cup sliced or chopped olives (green or black -- your choice),1/8 tsp red pepper, 1/8 tsp garlic...
  5. Dr. Feelgood

    Is it weird I don't like soup?

    The same is true of Thai curries made with coconut milk. We're getting into a gray area here...
  6. Dr. Feelgood

    Is it weird I don't like soup?

    On a cold winter day, with the wind whistling through the walls (we live in an old house), a bowl of homemade soup is a lovely thing to contemplate. But I agree with you that it needs a little ballast, preferably in the form of a sandwich.
  7. Dr. Feelgood


    All this talk about computers reminds me: I was the first person in my department to get one. It used DOS, and the only way you could connect with the internet was via the telephone line. I had to unplug my phone to go online. When I got a new computer, my boss wanted my old one, although I...
  8. Dr. Feelgood


    I remember rolling down the ventilator window inn my car in summer to get a breeze. :cool:
  9. Dr. Feelgood


    "Silent Night": a really lovely waltz.
  10. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you happy about today?

    Of the nineteen Oklahoma state legislators who voted against raising teacher salaries (a thing which was last done here 30 years ago), only four will be returning to the state house next year. Many were wiped out in the primaries; others tested the political winds and didn't even run.
  11. Dr. Feelgood

    What's pissing you off today?

    The current scam in my area seems to be a letter, purporting to be from a company preparing to sue you, urging you to phone them and discuss it. But the letter is on plain paper, not company stationery, and nowhere in the letter is the company named. Besides, why would someone send you a...
  12. Dr. Feelgood

    What's your latest kick?

    My local supermarket stocks an aged cheddar from Australia called 'Old Croc' (with a picture of a crocodile on the label). It's definitely worth a try, if you can find it.
  13. Dr. Feelgood

    How to help my girlfriend's self-esteem

    I'm with the Kat: it sounds like you're doing the right thing, so keep it up! Two things, though: (1) don't expect results any time soon. This lady has been told for 19 years that she's substandard; it may take another 19 years for her to work through it. I've been telling my wife she's...
  14. Dr. Feelgood

    What makes you Feel AWESOME! Everyone Participate Version

    Gardens. Libraries. Doing something difficult, and having it turn out well. The company of rabbits. And anything my wife and I do together (including cleaning up after the aforementioned rabbits).
  15. Dr. Feelgood

    Oh My Lord!

    You don't want to go there, either: a "cougar" is a middle-aged woman who hits on younger men.* *And a middle-aged man who hits on younger women is called an "optimist".
  16. Dr. Feelgood

    What are you happy about today?

    A buddy of mine and his lady just bought a new house, and my wife and I were invited to the housewarming today. It was a potluck, and there are some formidable cooks in that family! We got to visit with his mother (one of our favorite people) and meet his father, along with a slew of aunts...
  17. Dr. Feelgood

    How easy is it for a person to completely change in mind and appearance?

    There's only one way to find out: try it and see.
  18. Dr. Feelgood

    MattB's Mundane, Morbid, yet Magically Mischievous, Mansion

    Don't worry too much about timing your move. As a former traveling man, I can tell you from experience that this is a law of nature: every move must occur on either the hottest or the coldest day of the year.
  19. Dr. Feelgood

    Body acceptance with my girlfriend

    It sounds to me as if you're doing everything right: you're honest about how you feel, you realize it's her decision, and you're there for her no matter what she decides to do. You need to keep in mind that people have been telling her for years that she'd be so pretty if she'd just lose...
  20. Dr. Feelgood

    funny named towns

    There's a Slapout in Oklahoma, too. I've heard that 'slapout' was a nineteenth-century term of approval for something bigger and better than usual (e.g., "that was a slapout dinner").