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  1. inkedinto

    Vancouver people

    Relocated from Toronto to Vancouver Island!! And absolutely loving it. Though I do miss the big city.
  2. inkedinto

    article on Canadian Summit on Weight Bias and Discrimination

    http://www.thestar.com/living/article/922259--no-more-fat-jokes Thought people may be interested to read
  3. inkedinto

    Goth/Metal FFAs normal?

    I love metal, rock, alt rock.. well music in general but gravitate towards the metal/rock. I have tattoos but dress I guess more preppy? (mostly because i'm forced to stupid clothing companies) and have to because of my line of work as well. Can't go too crazy in the looks department when you...
  4. inkedinto

    People from the UK?

    I wish I was from Britain - does that count?? I do have to get my British citizenship one of these days so I can be dual and then invade your wonderful island. For now I settle on tracking down yummy British sweets from candy shops and specialty British shops here in Canada and harrasing British...
  5. inkedinto

    What are you happy about today?

    I'm gonna have to go to the store and make a pie now.. seriously. Though i'm partial to strawberry/raspberry rhubarb pie.
  6. inkedinto

    Where are YOU located?

    I dunno I just moved away from Toronto after living there for 11 years.. and I miss it. I enjoyed living there. Maybe it was the neighbourhoods I lived in or the places I went.. but I truly enjoyed the city and everything there was to see and do there. I miss being able to have Portugese...
  7. inkedinto

    Kinkykitten and Von_Pudge - BHM & FFA Couple Photo Thread!

    awww super awesome pictures. I too love that dress. you look amazing!
  8. inkedinto

    Attached or looking?

    Sew one! They aren't hard to make and you can pick fun fabrics.
  9. inkedinto

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Aww maybe you were driving Too well. Don't you need to drive like a maniac to pass drivers tests in Quebec? :) IC that I've not gotten dressed in 4 days now.. other then throwing a sweatshirt and boxers on to go get the mail..too hot for clothes! I am totally taking advantage of this lonely...
  10. inkedinto

    What did you cook today?

    Breakfast today: 2 eggs over easy with 2 louisianna spiced sausage patties, hashbrowns, a small cornmeal muffin and fruit salad.. and a yummy mug of banana coffee But I'm dying for the meals BigChaz is describing! yumm!
  11. inkedinto

    Where are YOU located?

    excellent idea - then we can get fresh lobster and crab and such.. mmmmm seafood...... dipped in butter mmmmmm and we have to be in bathing suits to swim in the ocean.. mmmmm bhm's in bathingsuits.. my vote is for this. definetly.
  12. inkedinto

    Where are YOU located?

    Ah I just moved to Peterborough but grew up in Kingston and will most likely be moving back there next march.
  13. inkedinto

    Where are YOU located?

    My friend lives there and even he calls it something similar. Its truely horrific. hrmm is your east of the GTA outside of the ajax,whitby,oshawa area? cause if it is you are pretty close to me then probably
  14. inkedinto

    All djudex all dtime

    I'm gonna try that recipe on the weekend however I think i'm going to modify it slightly and add a bit of chili powder or pepper flakes to give it a bit of zing :) since I can't get the zing from having djudex make it for of me that is.. :(
  15. inkedinto

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Still horribly addicted to Puzzle pirates after 4 years.. :)
  16. inkedinto

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    freakyfred - thats the cutest face ever.
  17. inkedinto

    All djudex all dtime

    mouthwatering.. and I'm not just talking about the meatloaf :wubu:
  18. inkedinto

    Where are YOU located?

    Central Ontario (sort of?) North east of the GTA anyways
  19. inkedinto

    'Hipsters of Size'

    I have a tinge of hipster in me.. and those boys whether hetero or homo are right down my ally.. yummy.
  20. inkedinto

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    Figured I should post another picture since its been a while.. yeah for summer! and Moving to a small town where its WAY cooler then the city in the summer. (plus upper arms for shake even though they are bigger then JenFromOC's!)