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  1. HotBBWnKC

    Most HAPPIEST Day of the YEAR! HotBBWnKC's B-Day!

    Thanks Dark Hart, and yes we do seem to have a very enticing way of telling another that we care enough to wave the best here in Kansas City daddyoh70...
  2. HotBBWnKC

    Most HAPPIEST Day of the YEAR! HotBBWnKC's B-Day!

    The bird got flipped a lot, why? I have no clue... Don't you just love seeing the empty plates of food!! We should have taken before and after pics of all the food that made it's way to our tables. My goodness the calories, the cheese, the satisfaction of bar food... It always tastes better...
  3. HotBBWnKC

    Most HAPPIEST Day of the YEAR! HotBBWnKC's B-Day!

    and a few more... including a surprise picture that Buffie left on my camera, thanks a lot!!! :eek:
  4. HotBBWnKC

    Most HAPPIEST Day of the YEAR! HotBBWnKC's B-Day!

    Aww, thanks everyone!! Ok, so here are a few pics of the debauchery that went down... Let me tell you that Buffie is the Queen of the Chicken Dance!! If only my camera had not died by the time the dancing began :doh:
  5. HotBBWnKC

    I heard this fad-diet ad on the radio last Saturday...

    I always knew you were awesome!!! I hate diet ads, and if I heard that one I would be furious. I have done a lot of work for Clear Channel/Live Nation. Funny thing is, a lot of their main concert producers are overweight. I think it's great they have diversity in the aspect that I am...
  6. HotBBWnKC

    Plus Size Clothing store in COSMO!

    Ehh, Torrid... You really have to watch out on what you buy from them, I have purchased a few things that seemed to fall apart or rip after only a few wears. I do shop there, I agree overpriced, but sometimes they do have something super cute. And as someone else mentioned they usually have...
  7. HotBBWnKC

    What are you listening to thread

    Live In Milan Depeche Mode Touring The Angel 2 DVD + Bonus CD set I got from my bestest friend Buffie thanks to the awesome shopping of Mr. Buffie for Christmas!! We both went to see this tour in May as a graduation present for me and Dave Gahan got sick within 20 minutes of coming on...
  8. HotBBWnKC

    Going into the Real World! Eek!

    If you are moving in with other people I would suggest getting something drawn up that legally lays out what each person is responsible for. The apartment or house will go into one maybe two peoples names and those are the ones who get stuck when the other roomies stop paying or pack up and...
  9. HotBBWnKC

    Hot Boy Thread!

    No SNOW, but def a lot of rain. Do not say the "S" word woman, I got one more Chiefs game to go this Sunday and I do not need no freaking "S"!!!!!!! And you know they invented a shower for a reason, you take the sweaty boy and you put him in it, clean him off, and well you get the idea! I...
  10. HotBBWnKC

    Hot Boy Thread!

    Huumm, now I must add Fight Club to my list of things to do/watch while I am on break. Sweaty boys making soap and fighting, I mean who couldn't watch that more than once...lol
  11. HotBBWnKC

    Hot Boy Thread!

    I hope to make it over Saturday, I will give ya a call!!
  12. HotBBWnKC

    Hot Boy Thread!

    We all have our preferences, I happen to actually like him with the eyeliner. Why would I risk scuffing some really awesome shoes? I will kick your booty with my ninja moves woman!! You know the ones I acquired after I hit the wall and slid down it the other night???
  13. HotBBWnKC

    Hot Boy Thread!

    Could not stop myself from posting Jared Leto, not sure if he made it before but if he did well here we go again!!
  14. HotBBWnKC

    Vegas Bash Details Announced

    Yummy, fried chicken and margaritas. I am soooo coming over!!! :eat1:
  15. HotBBWnKC

    Vegas Bash Details Announced

    Sorry to hear that girlie!! It does work with my summer class schedule, considering finals are the last full week of July. However, I am not sure I will go either. I had fun last year, don't get me wrong. However, I just do not know if I want to do it again. Buuufffiiieee??? What are we...
  16. HotBBWnKC

    Jingle Kitty!

    Charo, the kitty who loves me, looks adorable. Although Whimmers looks fantastic as well!!!
  17. HotBBWnKC

    Can you say..snow day?

    I know you do not like snow, but wow that was like a therapy session... Do you feel better now that you let it all out? Snow sucks, I need to win the lottery so I can have a driver, I will share him with you!! And those snooty Plaza peeps can kiss my grits, the yeti got us to our hair...
  18. HotBBWnKC

    Can you say..snow day?

    Yay for snow days!! I got two in a row, we had over an inch of ice and sleet on wed and a butt load of snow on thur. I love skipping school, makes me feel like a bad girl. Haaa and I even go to a Catholic University for my Masters....
  19. HotBBWnKC

    3xl Hoodie question?

    I was searching for an online store that would make my University Logo onto a hooded sweatshirt. Anyhow I came across a site that has tons of hoodies and sweatshirts. This first link is to a red hoodie that comes in a 3x and it is 100% cotton, and the second link is the general search page...
  20. HotBBWnKC

    Happy Birthday Buffie :)

    Super Sparkly Big Pink Happy Birthday to my Buffinator!!!!!! Luv Ya :D