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  1. Danyull

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    Thank you hun ^^
  2. Danyull

    Weight gain?

    I'm sorry that I can#t help really, I'm thin, like, 140lbs, 6'2" I want to gain weight, so I've become something of a feedee. I find it so difficult to put weight on, even after doubling my intake. How did you go about it?
  3. Danyull

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

  4. Danyull

    WoW...World of Weight gain

    Hmm lets see. Since my sister went to hospital and our neighbours got out of hand. I've been looking after the house for the last two weeks or so, three if you include the week a few days before she got back (she was rushed back three days later). Since then I've had to look after the...
  5. Danyull

    The Fetish Roadmap

    True that, but I love thinking about that sort of thing, bit of a puzzle freak XD I'll make it into something bigger than it is. But as you said, it is a good attempt at it all isn't it.
  6. Danyull

    BBW CLUBS - Are they just for HOOKING UP?!

    I'm probably not really one to talk, but I'm to shy and never been to a BBW club, yet I'm really weird for the fact I pick up on guys at clubs I have been to trying to hit on girls... I must say sometimes I wonder how they have the gaul to do it. I never could.
  7. Danyull

    Concerning large upper arms...

    That poem made me smile for some reason, not like, smiling cause I think it's funny, but because I agree with it.
  8. Danyull

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    Shame you're not over in the UK then for the boy thing XD As for my annoyance, I'll be pretty serious for once. The hospital, the way that the Nurses are, the way they treat my sister, the fact that they want to kick her out as fast as possible. She isn't stable yet, she has a sever form...
  9. Danyull

    The Fetish Roadmap

    That's really got me thinking now o.o;;
  10. Danyull

    Gaia online.

    I know it's childish, but still, anyone else on there besides me? >.< I'm so going to get burned for this XD
  11. Danyull

    Dead or Alive BBW collage

    Haven't been on here in a while, Gaiaonline destracted me XD But yeah, I seen your art around, each and everytime I'm stunned at your ability to distribute colour so effectivly. And make the curves look so tempting ;D Always good to see some thing you've done.
  12. Danyull

    new here :)

    A big warm welcome to you from the little me =]
  13. Danyull

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    I'd have put N/A but it's hard not to have a crush on the women here.. Mimosa is the main crush I have. :wubu: And "Craveinthecurves" =]
  14. Danyull

    BGP on March 1st anyone going??

    My uncle and aunt did the underground once. Nuff said... :(
  15. Danyull

    BGP on March 1st anyone going??

    I'd say, we could meet up in brum and then get the trains. But hey, that's my offer. Snoring =/ not half as bad as a fidget that doesn't stop moving around in bed lol.
  16. Danyull

    casual sex

    A happy birthday to you. I must say I'm not experienced enough to relate to your situation, I appolgise for that. But sex before marrage, I believe being the age I am, that sex and marrage don't have much relation anymore. But I do understand, I've been raised by parents whom have taught...
  17. Danyull

    BGP on March 1st anyone going??

    -Enter Danyull to the club scene- =/ Never been. Probably never will. Feck... -Exit-
  18. Danyull

    Why are you here?

    I'm here primarily because I can express myself without having to restrain personal and social acceptances, though that would seem to make me a closet case, I do speak about my personal likes, (weither that be women or gaining weight myself) to my closer friends who understand me. I also...
  19. Danyull

    Post Pictures of Corseted BBWs?

    And then, there was light. :wubu:
  20. Danyull

    TUMMies! Time :)

    Looking good, how much are you aiming to gain? I expect you've already been asked a hundred times or so, but I'm rarely on so I don't keep up ^^;; sorry.