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  1. Danyull

    Internet personals

    I'm just mellow, and stick around myspace, but it hasn't stopped me looking about I guess. I don't think I could pay for anything like that unless someone seriously payed attention to me or something.
  2. Danyull

    Recent Picture of You

    Yeah few more for ya, thought I'd be special xD What I want to look like, colour wise =]
  3. Danyull

    The thread for random single confessions Part Pentium...

    I confess that I'm an arrogant prick =] thsat has a huge obbsession with pink =]
  4. Danyull

    Recent Picture of You

    Sure, I've done it on the other page so I'll do it here.
  5. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    I'll have to post up some more pics then won;t I like, more recent ones, considering I've had my hair cut.
  6. Danyull

    All the beautiful fat is rubbing off on me

    Should I say some hugely original thing? Or just be like everyone else? yas tsum I lufituaeb. That Orininallity at its finest =]
  7. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    No problem :wubu:
  8. Danyull

    i need her

    Sad times T_T God damn emo-esk Lyrics. like, I'll pull out an acustic and we can make a love song =O Seriously.
  9. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    Lol the inuendos with Doctor Sare just going to be flying xD
  10. Danyull

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    True that.. Thoug there are those that fear it, and can somehow cover it up, like, "It was just a joke" or "It never happened" Beleve me I live in regret for denying myself that time, and I will never allow it to happen again. I met this girl Laura Early four years ago, we were pretty good...
  11. Danyull

    your first kiss

    Well, lets think, umm, t was soo long ago for someone like me, I guess I was 8 at the time, and I was apparently having one of those childish relationships, like you do at that age, with a girl called Katie, I love that name =] We were out in the feilds, and we were sitting next to the wall...
  12. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    I would be much abliged to call you megan. I'm Danyull xD As seen on T-V =/ If I was on T-V You are stunning =O
  13. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    Hello Lady person :happy: XD
  14. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    Yeah, providing My NVQ's etc go well I'll be working in one of those rich persons hotels, as a chef. I'm studying for Chef Degrees, and Customer Care Degrees, after thats finished next year, I move onto NVQ three and finish my chefs degree, then move on to management. I'll be looking for a...
  15. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    When ever you can get to merry old britan! Which completely sucks, I'm moving to america for a years work placement if ya want to help provide living arangements :blush:
  16. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    And I would still go out on a date with you =] But dammmn your taken >.o *is crushed*
  17. Danyull

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    I'm skinny to the max..Truely..I have muscle weight though =] I one day wish to be a BHM so I can please the women on here. But I'm currently gaining at 3lbs a week. It is difficul for someone like me, I have a huge metabolism, and lack of ability to stick to a diet >.o
  18. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    Haha! Thanks =] I looked at your profile! I was wondering! You don't look a day over twenty!
  19. Danyull

    *clearing throat* Gentlemen.......

    *bows* Thanks =] I'm currently gaining weight though, trying for a simple 3lbs a week and then stop, I'm putting on muscle weight as well working in the family trade of plastering and brickworks leaves you lifting weights constantly. + The fact that I'm training at a college specified...
  20. Danyull

    Dear FAs in Hiding:

    Even though I take into account what you say, not everyone has that outlook on life, not everyone is the kind of person to do that, I can take a joke, and I'm as sarcastic as hell and would normally reply with something that they'll be to dumbfounded to reply back at, and as much as I don't care...