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  1. flip.the.nuts

    Need some inspiration here

    i'm just in need of some inspiration. i've liked larger women ever since i've had a sexuality, im 20 now and i find my still uncomfortable with my sexuality. i've read research about bigger girls having smarter babies and being happier, and that's helped; but i really need to assimilate...
  2. flip.the.nuts

    bbw wallpapers

    thanks man! btw Susannah... i genuinely didn't mean that. i know it's about sexual preference; i was just being silly :D.
  3. flip.the.nuts

    bbw wallpapers

    hey i was just wondering if there are actually any bbw wallpapers about there are plenty of skinny ugly chick wallpapers, but any bbw? lol :bow:
  4. flip.the.nuts

    They finally got it

    i agree :D
  5. flip.the.nuts

    do overweight comedians tend to be funnier than the average comedian?

    well, i think a comedian can actually be slim and good looking and be very funny. an example of that is Dane Cook. the comedian just needs to get a style going for him/herself, thats all. :bow:
  6. flip.the.nuts

    The new, World, of Warcraft thread

    i guess your right... what is the definition for an activity that is a waste of time? you can say that watching tv doesn't produce anything, but watching some TV programs can make you learn quite a few interesting things. i just can't see myself playing a game like WoW for ages, i'd just be...
  7. flip.the.nuts

    best website ever!

    if you like that sort of thing, lol :D
  8. flip.the.nuts

    The new, World, of Warcraft thread

    that's quite a high number of people who coincidentally play WoW. since about 16, i've thought playing role playing computer games is a huge waste of time. no offense anyone :p