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  1. njkid

    trouble changing gears?

    Point well taken. I haven't been an active member here, and posted here out of laziness! (Plus, it's the only one I've ever followed). Will def. check out both of those. Oh duh, forgot. One detail that might make sense. I'm here because I myself am a big guy. ;-) Gotta count for something, right?
  2. njkid

    trouble changing gears?

    (bkgd: I'm gay, and like BIG guys.) My situation: I dated and broke up with a rather large guy, about 360, and have since started dating someone new. He trumps my ex in many arenas, but is significantly smaller, about 230. This hadn't presented a problem for me until last night, the first...
  3. njkid

    Bruised Ego Syndrome

    I used to post a lot but now typically only have time to lurk. I passed Sea Isle City, I think, on my way to Atlantic City last night. And man, were the females there stuck up (I can think of better words). I'd gather it's almost the same, as Sea Isle and AC are relatively close. Under no...
  4. njkid

    New to the Forums Hello All!

    Totally diggin' the arowana on your back! wanna see that once it's colored in. I'm a fish dude myself, but don't know how people would react if i got some clownfish subbed in on that kinda japanese work. your fish definitely seems like a wiser choice than mine.
  5. njkid

    A Mutually Enlightening Experience

    I haven't posted here in a long time, but reading your post made me want to say this: your little story made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
  6. njkid

    stronger, lasts longer

    hmm...what in the relationship would make me feel unmanly? there's just one really obvious answer. If you can't figure it out, you might need to do a little research on homosexuals...lol. (I'll give you a hint: When two guys have sex, one goes on the _ _ _ _ _ _, and the other goes on _ _ _.) lol
  7. njkid

    Weght obsessed America

    Although acceptance is harder for big people, it goes both ways. I couldn't hear the details because I was in a restaurant, but the TV across the room had CNN on. The headline that was flashing was "Lohan's Bulimia Battle." The girl may have a problem, but what right does anyone have to...
  8. njkid

    stronger, lasts longer

    lol. i know exactly what you're saying. some things in our relationship are equal, others are unbalanced. consider the following: 1. whenever we drive somewhere, i drive, but we often take his car (I'm the worst backseat driver, and I like being in control anyway). 2. we have a joint checking...
  9. njkid

    Chatting Up The BHM

    I definitely agree that big guys tend to be shy when it comes to dating. If you're an FA, and you get to the point when you're actually on the date, one thing that will really help break down some of that shyness is really simple: take his hand and hold it. It's the kind of thing that's very...
  10. njkid

    new at this

    well, seeing as how my bf is unaware of my posting here as of yet, I don't believe it would be a sound idea to post a picture of him (especially since the ones I have of us are.........you can use your imagination). but if you want to get a good idea of what I look like, take a look at this...
  11. njkid

    Big guy in video store...

    Anyone ever see an ass that resembles "two christmas hams?" (I think that's from a movie). That's really a sight to see when out in public. It's the kind of thing that just shouts to grab your attention, whether it be positive or negative. I have to say that whether it be on a man or a...
  12. njkid

    stronger, lasts longer

    The title of this thread isn't referring to toilet paper. My bf and I bought a TV today, unfortunately not an LCD or plasma, but a flat panel CRT. That of course means it was really heavy. Not only did I have to wheel it out to the car, but I had to lift it, put it inside my (little Volvo S40)...
  13. njkid

    new at this

    I think my family has gotten over the shock of "NICK'S GAY!!" and now they've moved on to "NICK'S BOYFRIEND IS REALLY FAT!!! WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK??!?" "WHERE WILL THEY EVER FIND A BED BIG ENOUGH TO FIT THEIR FAT ASSES INTO?!?" I threw that last one in there.
  14. njkid

    A thought

    I guess to answer the original question: I'm probably fat because I like food. I don't usually eat too many bad things (save for my peanut butter incident today). no one else in my family is heavy, so i don't think i can blame it on my genes. i am however, the youngest in my family, which...
  15. njkid

    what not to eat

    this is going to sound really odd, but at least I'm sure someone will get a laugh out of it. today I learned a valuable lesson: don't eat too much peanut butter. I never really had any urges to eat a tremendously large quantity of something until today, and i found several jars of pb in the...
  16. njkid

    new at this

    I would just like to point out that in some instances, coming out of the "FA" closet was more stomach-knotting than coming out of the homo closet. Sometimes at the mere hint of my tubby preference, I got lots of "eww"s. People my age seemed to be more understanding about my being gay, but not...
  17. njkid

    big guy confidence

    i find sort of the opposite effect. I guess after so long, my b/f knows I like him as he is, so when he points out a big guy, it's as if he's testing me to see how much it turns me on. It usually does, which usually means he gets lucky afterwards. so in effect, sometimes it can be...
  18. njkid

    big guy confidence

    my mother does something similar. rather than cracking jokes though, she just always has that "concerned" tone: "you really need to help him lose weight. he's going to get very sick. it's not healthy..." and she'll go on for long periods of time essentially repeating herself, in slightly...
  19. njkid

    new at this

    btw, someone sent me a private message and it said it was blocked by a pop-up blocker or something to that effect...which is funny, because I don't believe I have one. Any ideas on how to fix that?
  20. njkid

    big guy confidence

    I know this may seem all too redundant, but there are some things that I've been pondering: 1. It used to be taboo (some may say it still is) for a white man to date a black woman (or vice/versa). Does anyone notice this trend with thin and fat people? Is it just me, or are fat people only...