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  1. S

    I hate the term FA

    this is THE best post ive ever seen on this site. Very true and very well said
  2. S

    deleting my account

    a. the site isnt a favorite on my pc, and my profile has nothing on it anyways lol, i just want everything gone altogether, isnt there a mod that can do that?
  3. S

    deleting my account

    can someone please delete my account? thanks
  4. S

    Canadian Singles :(

    I was writing a response to this because, well I felt i should, but i ended up deleting it because im not going to add fuel to your fire, that's all. I'm sorry I posted anything at all, clearly it's pointless lol
  5. S

    Canadian Singles :(

    I dont post much because i rarely have luck with the people i meet from this site lol, but since it was asked for, im a 24 almost 25yr old mixed race male from toronto. I live right on the subway line, so no im not in the middle of nowhere or in scarborough or mississauga, im IN toronto lol...
  6. S

    san francisco!

    well, im now in san francisco until tuesday the 6th, anyone at all wanna do some sightseeing or just plain hanging out? josh
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    visiting san fran july 3-6

    my friend i was supposed to see the city with just cancelled on me :( i dont mind travelling alone since ive done it before, though im sure it'd be more fun to see the city with soomeone to hang out with. So i ask you, are there any among you who'd like to hang out with a nice canadian in a...
  8. S

    I hate the term FA

    are the people who enjoy this pedophiles? because that disturbed me, and im only 24!
  9. S

    I hate the term FA

    i totally agree with this mans statement, i too hate the term. Why can i not just be a man, a man who happens to like his women very large? You dont NEED to give yourself a title dude, just be yourself and like whoever you choose!
  10. S

    Impeach Obama

    agreed lol, after having 8 years of bush, youd think theyd be a little more willing to accept a different style of politics. Though i havent heard of any of this bribery sstuff, so i dont know what to say, if its true, then im very disappointed in obama but at the same time I'm pretty certain...
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    POLL: do your parents approve or disapprove?

    i dont ever recall caring about what my parents thought about the women i like lol, i only date women with good personalities and a good head on their shoulders, thats what should matter to anyone
  12. S

    The Greatest Bad Films Ever!

    i got the hands down winner here, its called jesus christ vampire hunter. Jesus has to come out of retirement to fight a bunch of atheists who prey who young and innocent lesbians! booyah :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itWoHzL6n-w
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    Single Girls Survival Guide

    i know im not a woman, but still, when you feel alone, do something in your comfort zone, watch your favorite movie, go to your favorite place, thats what i do
  14. S

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    lost planet 2!!!!!!!!! it rocks :) oh and unreal tournament 2004 is something i always play on my pc
  15. S

    Sure signs that he's not what he says he is

    hey odalisque :D long time no see! I'd just like to say my female friends tell me about stuff like this all the time, but it DOES go both ways, ive met quite a few women, some from this forum, who never tell yout heyre married or have a bf until theyre done screwing around with you. Just saying...
  16. S

    new to the site, from toronto

    can someone tell me how to delete my account please?
  17. S

    new to the site, from toronto

    first off, im not a boy. Secondly, i used yell to represent the tone you were taking since im pretty sure youd have been yelling had this been in person. Also, when did i ever expect people to feel sorry for me!? and more importantly how sad are YOU that you have to keep trying to put me down...
  18. S

    new to the site, from toronto

    umm, cool? who's going exactly? I usually make it a point to get to know someone before i go to a place i dont know and meet a whole new swarm of ppl lol
  19. S

    new to the site, from toronto

    wow, you really really get me random internet woman who decided to yell at me for no good reason. My personal opinion of myself has never been based on the feelings of others, perhaps you're just saying that because you yourself haven't had your ego stroked in a while? and honestly, just leave...
  20. S

    new to the site, from toronto

    *sigh* youre really making a great case for why someone would never ever want to go to such events, you realize that right? I've met some pretty rude people in my life but after only two posts you've quickly made it up that list, congratulations