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  1. X

    One Door Closes

    LOL @ "It's the little niche where the FFA's can get their kicks out of objectifying the male body for once in peace and quiet...." Its funny because it is true...Makes me feel a little guilty, but not enough to stop :)
  2. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    Unfortunately, the best of intentions do not always turn out the way they should. “I will miss you!” Kitty kissed their brother on the cheek fretfully. “Do you truly have to go off in such a violent hurry?” Her entire body radiated enough concern that you would have thought him going off to war...
  3. X

    BOTH Ten to One - by Xyantha (~BHM/~BBW, Romance, ~SWG)

    Sorry for the short post, I have hit a writing slump between work stress and a busy life and I am trying to kick myself into the "habit" of writing again...I keep writing and discarding it. Posting is committing :) More to come, and it may be more explicit than usual. :blush:
  4. X

    BOTH Ten to One - by Xyantha (~BHM/~BBW, Romance, ~SWG)

    All the movies that showed the male and female protagonists almost stripping, struggling to make out while getting their clothes off were not, apparently, as ludicrous as he had thought. Keeping his hands off her while driving home was only made possible by the knowledge that there was a risk...
  5. X

    One Door Closes

    Ahh, loving it!! Having been a girl with all male friends I find the feeling between everyone very genuine and I cannot wait to see where this goes!
  6. X

    BHM Xander - by Undine (~BHM, Intrigue, ~~WG)

    This is pure torture!! Please don't leave us hanging!!
  7. X

    BOTH "525" - by agouderia (SSBHM, ~XWG, ~BBW, Dining)

    That chapter was liking finally tasting brownies you have been smelling as the cook... Such a reward for the anticipation!!
  8. X

    BHM Xander - by Undine (~BHM, Intrigue, ~~WG)

    I am always a sucker for a god fantasy novel, and you balance the realism so well!! I cant wait for more
  9. X

    BOTH Ten to One - by Xyantha (~BHM/~BBW, Romance, ~SWG)

    Sorry to clarify it is steve giving hin dirty looks when she is done dancing, not jeremy!
  10. X

    BOTH Ten to One - by Xyantha (~BHM/~BBW, Romance, ~SWG)

    Ryan hitched his new pants higher, cursing his size. His old pants had become snug enough to be uncomfortable, causing a red, raw spot just above the button when sitting at his desk all day. The new pants were roomy and comfortable – which meant they were able to cope with the weight of his...
  11. X

    BHM Xander - by Undine (~BHM, Intrigue, ~~WG)

    I love your works!! Keep it up the suspense kills!
  12. X

    BOTH Ten to One - by Xyantha (~BHM/~BBW, Romance, ~SWG)

    Sorry for the huge gap in posting... One of my best friends died unexpectedly and i havnt really been up to writing, but ive started again... Update to come soon!!
  13. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    Sorry for the huge gap in posting... One of my best friends died unexpectedly and i havnt really been up to writing, but ive started again... Update to come soon!!
  14. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    Sorry for the late postings, christmas and work have kept me very busy!
  15. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    “What do you mean you don’t know?” “I mean that I don’t know.” He looked somber and thoughtful, staring at the wall with unfocused eyes. He didn’t seem angry – that was good. She waited for as long as she could before she pushed against his chest lightly. “Love? What are you...
  16. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    Ha! Nothing like that! I have the next sections mapped out.... I hope to post them soon, just rereading and fleshing it out.., pun not intended
  17. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    I wanted to get this section out because over the next week or so I might not be able to flesh out the next sections as quickly as I would want....I'm going on vacation soon, so I need to get stuff done at work. Don't worry, I'm still working on this and won't keep it hanging too long, I promise!!
  18. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    Raoul’s eyes flew open in surprise, nearly falling off the chair as his tight pants were stripped from him. The strength to nearly pull him off the chair coupled with the look of silent intensity on her face subdued his immediate reaction. When she nearly dove onto his throbbing member he gasped...
  19. X

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    Yes!!! Im working on te next installment for tomorrow! Im glad you are enjoying this, its been a lot of fun to write